

class Color(c: Any)[source]#

Bases: object


c – any color specification that is understood by matplotlib

darken(amount: float)[source]#

amount – amount to darken in [0,1], where 1 results in black and 0 leaves the color unchanged


the darkened color

lighten(amount: float)[source]#

amount – amount to lighten in [0,1], where 1 results in white and 0 leaves the color unchanged


the lightened color

alpha(opacity: float) Color[source]#

Returns a new color with modified alpha channel (opacity) :param opacity: the opacity between 0 (transparent) and 1 (fully opaque) :return: the modified color

to_hex(keep_alpha=True) str[source]#
class LinearColorMap(norm_min, norm_max, cmap_points: List[Tuple[float, Any]], cmap_points_normalised=False)[source]#

Bases: object

Facilitates usage of linear segmented colour maps by combining a colour map (member cmap), which transforms normalised values in [0,1] into colours, with a normaliser that transforms the original values. The member scalarMapper

  • norm_min – the value that shall be mapped to 0 in the normalised representation (any smaller values are also clipped to 0)

  • norm_max – the value that shall be mapped to 1 in the normalised representation (any larger values are also clipped to 1)

  • cmap_points – a list (of at least two) tuples (v, c) where v is the value and c is the colour associated with the value; any colour specification supported by matplotlib is admissible

  • cmap_points_normalised – whether the values in cmap_points are already normalised

plot_matrix(matrix: numpy.ndarray, title: str, xtick_labels: Sequence[str], ytick_labels: Sequence[str], xlabel: str, ylabel: str, normalize=True, figsize: Tuple[int, int] = (9, 9), title_add: Optional[str] = None) matplotlib.figure.Figure[source]#
  • matrix – matrix whose data to plot, where matrix[i, j] will be rendered at x=i, y=j

  • title – the plot’s title

  • xtick_labels – the labels for the x-axis ticks

  • ytick_labels – the labels for the y-axis ticks

  • xlabel – the label for the x-axis

  • ylabel – the label for the y-axis

  • normalize – whether to normalise the matrix before plotting it (dividing each entry by the sum of all entries)

  • figsize – an optional size of the figure to be created

  • title_add – an optional second line to add to the title


the figure object

class Plot(draw: Optional[Callable[[matplotlib.pyplot.Axes], None]] = None, name=None, ax: Optional[matplotlib.pyplot.Axes] = None)[source]#

Bases: object

  • draw – function which returns a matplotlib.Axes object to show

  • name – name/number of the figure, which determines the window caption; it should be unique, as any plot with the same name will have its contents rendered in the same window. By default, figures are number sequentially.

  • ax – the axes to draw to

xlabel(label) TPlot[source]#
ylabel(label) TPlot[source]#
title(title: str) TPlot[source]#
xlim(min_value, max_value) TPlot[source]#
ylim(min_value, max_value) TPlot[source]#
xtick(major=None, minor=None) TPlot[source]#

Sets a tick on every integer multiple of the given base values. The major ticks are labelled, the minor ticks are not.

  • major – the major tick base value

  • minor – the minor tick base value



xtick_major(base) TPlot[source]#
xtick_minor(base) TPlot[source]#
ytick_major(base) TPlot[source]#
class ScatterPlot(x, y, c=None, c_base: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 1), c_opacity=None, x_label=None, y_label=None, add_diagonal=False, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Plot

  • x – the x values; if has name (e.g. pd.Series), will be used as axis label

  • y – the y values; if has name (e.g. pd.Series), will be used as axis label

  • c – the colour specification; if None, compose from c_base and c_opacity

  • c_base – the base colour as (R, G, B) floats

  • c_opacity – the opacity; if None, automatically determine from number of data points

  • x_label

  • y_label

  • kwargs

class HeatMapPlot(x, y, x_label=None, y_label=None, bins=60, cmap=None, common_range=True, diagonal=False, diagonal_color='green', **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Plot

  • x – the x values

  • y – the y values

  • x_label – the x-axis label

  • y_label – the y-axis label

  • bins – the number of bins to use in each dimension

  • cmap – the colour map to use for heat values (if None, use default)

  • common_range – whether the heat map is to use a common rng for the x- and y-axes (set to False if x and y are completely different quantities; set to True use cases such as the evaluation of regression model quality)

  • diagonal – whether to draw the diagonal line (useful for regression evaluation)

  • diagonal_color – the colour to use for the diagonal line

  • kwargs – parameters to pass on to plt.imshow

class HistogramPlot(values, bins='auto', kde=False, cdf=False, cdf_complementary=False, cdf_secondary_axis=True, binwidth=None, stat='probability', xlabel=None, **kwargs)[source]#

Bases: Plot

  • values – the values to plot

  • bins – a bin specification as understood by sns.histplot

  • kde – whether to add a kernel density estimator

  • cdf – whether to add a plot of the cumulative distribution function (cdf)

  • cdf_complementary – whether to plot, if cdf is enabled, the complementary values

  • cdf_secondary_axis – whether to use, if cdf is enabled, a secondary

  • binwidth – the bin width; if None, inferred

  • stat – the statistic to plot (as understood by sns.histplot)

  • xlabel – the label for the x-axis

  • kwargs – arguments to pass on to sns.histplot

class AverageSeriesLinePlot(series_collection: Union[List[pandas.Series], Dict[str, List[pandas.Series]]], interpolation: SeriesInterpolation, collection_name='collection', ax: Optional[matplotlib.pyplot.Axes] = None, hue_order=None, palette=None)[source]#

Bases: Plot

Plots the average of a collection of series or the averages of several collections of series, establishing a common index (the unification of all indices) for each collection via interpolation. The standard deviation is additionally shown as a shaded area around each line.

  • series_collection – either a list of series to average or a dictionary mapping the name of a collection to a list of series to average

  • interpolation – the interpolation with which to obtain series values for the unified index of a collection of series

  • collection_name – a name indicating what a key in series_collection refers to, which will appear in the legend for the case where more than one collection is passed

  • ax – the axis to plot to; if None, create a new figure and axis

  • hue_order – the hue order (for the case where there is more than one collection of series)

  • palette – the colour palette to use