Source code: sensai/evaluation/eval_util.py
This module contains methods and classes that facilitate evaluation of different types of models. The suggested workflow for evaluation is to use these higher-level functionalities instead of instantiating the evaluation classes directly.
- create_vector_model_evaluator(data: InputOutputData, model: Optional[VectorModel] = None, is_regression: Optional[bool] = None, params: Optional[Union[RegressionEvaluatorParams, ClassificationEvaluatorParams]] = None, test_data: Optional[InputOutputData] = None) Union[VectorRegressionModelEvaluator, VectorClassificationModelEvaluator] [source]#
- create_vector_model_cross_validator(data: InputOutputData, model: Optional[VectorModel] = None, is_regression: Optional[bool] = None, params: Optional[Union[VectorModelCrossValidatorParams, Dict[str, Any]]] = None) Union[VectorClassificationModelCrossValidator, VectorRegressionModelCrossValidator] [source]#
- create_evaluation_util(data: InputOutputData, model: Optional[VectorModel] = None, is_regression: Optional[bool] = None, evaluator_params: Optional[Union[RegressionEvaluatorParams, ClassificationEvaluatorParams]] = None, cross_validator_params: Optional[Dict[str, Any]] = None, test_io_data: Optional[InputOutputData] = None) Union[ClassificationModelEvaluation, RegressionModelEvaluation] [source]#
- eval_model_via_evaluator(model: TModel, io_data: InputOutputData, test_fraction=0.2, plot_target_distribution=False, compute_probabilities=True, normalize_plots=True, random_seed=60) TEvalData [source]#
Evaluates the given model via a simple evaluation mechanism that uses a single split
- Parameters:
model – the model to evaluate
io_data – data on which to evaluate
test_fraction – the fraction of the data to test on
plot_target_distribution – whether to plot the target values distribution in the entire dataset
compute_probabilities – only relevant if the model is a classifier
normalize_plots – whether to normalize plotted distributions such that the sum/integrate to 1
random_seed –
- Returns:
the evaluation data
- class EvaluationResultCollector(show_plots: bool = True, result_writer: Optional[ResultWriter] = None, tracking_context: Optional[TrackingContext] = None)[source]#
- class EvalStatsPlotCollector[source]#
]- add_plot(name: str, plot: EvalStatsPlot)[source]#
- create_plots(eval_stats: EvalStats, subtitle: str, result_collector: EvaluationResultCollector)[source]#
- class RegressionEvalStatsPlotCollector[source]#
- class ClassificationEvalStatsPlotCollector[source]#
- class ModelEvaluation(io_data: InputOutputData, eval_stats_plot_collector: Union[RegressionEvalStatsPlotCollector, ClassificationEvalStatsPlotCollector], evaluator_params: Optional[Union[RegressionEvaluatorParams, ClassificationEvaluatorParams, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, cross_validator_params: Optional[Union[VectorModelCrossValidatorParams, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, test_io_data: Optional[InputOutputData] = None)[source]#
]Utility class for the evaluation of models based on a dataset
- Parameters:
io_data – the data set to use for evaluation. For evaluation purposes, this dataset usually will be split into training and test data according to the rules specified by evaluator_params. However, if test_io_data is specified, then this is taken to be the training data and test_io_data is taken to be the test data when creating evaluators for simple (single-split) evaluation.
eval_stats_plot_collector – a collector for plots generated from evaluation stats objects
evaluator_params – parameters with which to instantiate evaluators
cross_validator_params – parameters with which to instantiate cross-validators
test_io_data – optional test data (see io_data)
- create_evaluator(model: Optional[TModel] = None, is_regression: Optional[bool] = None) TEvaluator [source]#
Creates an evaluator holding the current input-output data
- Parameters:
model – the model for which to create an evaluator (just for reading off regression or classification, the resulting evaluator will work on other models as well)
is_regression – whether to create a regression model evaluator. Either this or model have to be specified
- Returns:
an evaluator
- create_cross_validator(model: Optional[TModel] = None, is_regression: Optional[bool] = None) TCrossValidator [source]#
Creates a cross-validator holding the current input-output data
- Parameters:
model – the model for which to create a cross-validator (just for reading off regression or classification, the resulting evaluator will work on other models as well)
is_regression – whether to create a regression model cross-validator. Either this or model have to be specified
- Returns:
an evaluator
- perform_simple_evaluation(model: TModel, create_plots=True, show_plots=False, log_results=True, result_writer: Optional[ResultWriter] = None, additional_evaluation_on_training_data=False, fit_model=True, write_eval_stats=False, tracked_experiment: Optional[TrackedExperiment] = None, evaluator: Optional[TEvaluator] = None) TEvalData [source]#
- perform_cross_validation(model: TModel, show_plots=False, log_results=True, result_writer: Optional[ResultWriter] = None, tracked_experiment: Optional[TrackedExperiment] = None, cross_validator: Optional[TCrossValidator] = None) TCrossValData [source]#
Evaluates the given model via cross-validation
- Parameters:
model – the model to evaluate
show_plots – whether to show plots that visualise evaluation results (combining all folds)
log_results – whether to log evaluation results
result_writer – a writer with which to store text files and plots. The evaluated model’s name is added to each filename automatically
tracked_experiment – a tracked experiment with which results shall be associated
cross_validator – the cross-validator to apply; if None, a suitable cross-validator will be created
- Returns:
cross-validation result data
- compare_models(models: Sequence[TModel], result_writer: Optional[ResultWriter] = None, use_cross_validation=False, fit_models=True, write_individual_results=True, sort_column: Optional[str] = None, sort_ascending: bool = True, sort_column_move_to_left=True, also_include_unsorted_results: bool = False, also_include_cross_val_global_stats: bool = False, visitors: Optional[Iterable[ModelComparisonVisitor]] = None, write_visitor_results=False, write_csv=False, tracked_experiment: Optional[TrackedExperiment] = None) ModelComparisonData [source]#
Compares several models via simple evaluation or cross-validation
- Parameters:
models – the models to compare
result_writer – a writer with which to store results of the comparison
use_cross_validation – whether to use cross-validation in order to evaluate models; if False, use a simple evaluation on test data (single split)
fit_models – whether to fit models before evaluating them; this can only be False if useCrossValidation=False
write_individual_results – whether to write results files on each individual model (in addition to the comparison summary)
sort_column – column/metric name by which to sort; the fact that the column names change when using cross-validation (aggregation function names being added) should be ignored, simply pass the (unmodified) metric name
sort_ascending – whether to sort using sortColumn in ascending order
sort_column_move_to_left – whether to move the sortColumn (if any) to the very left
also_include_unsorted_results – whether to also include, for the case where the results are sorted, the unsorted table of results in the results text
also_include_cross_val_global_stats – whether to also include, when using cross-validation, the evaluation metrics obtained when combining the predictions from all folds into a single collection. Note that for classification models, this may not always be possible (if the set of classes know to the model differs across folds)
visitors – visitors which may process individual results
write_visitor_results – whether to collect results from visitors (if any) after the comparison
write_csv – whether to write metrics table to CSV files
tracked_experiment – an experiment for tracking
- Returns:
the comparison results
- compare_models_cross_validation(models: Sequence[TModel], result_writer: Optional[ResultWriter] = None) ModelComparisonData [source]#
Compares several models via cross-validation
- Parameters:
models – the models to compare
result_writer – a writer with which to store results of the comparison
- Returns:
the comparison results
- create_plots(data: Union[TEvalData, TCrossValData], show_plots=True, result_writer: Optional[ResultWriter] = None, subtitle_prefix: str = '', tracking_context: Optional[TrackingContext] = None)[source]#
Creates default plots that visualise the results in the given evaluation data
- Parameters:
data – the evaluation data for which to create the default plots
show_plots – whether to show plots
result_writer – if not None, plots will be written using this writer
subtitle_prefix – a prefix to add to the subtitle (which itself is the model name)
tracking_context – the experiment tracking context
- class RegressionModelEvaluation(io_data: InputOutputData, evaluator_params: Optional[Union[RegressionEvaluatorParams, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, cross_validator_params: Optional[Union[VectorModelCrossValidatorParams, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, test_io_data: Optional[InputOutputData] = None)[source]#
]- Parameters:
io_data – the data set to use for evaluation. For evaluation purposes, this dataset usually will be split into training and test data according to the rules specified by evaluator_params. However, if test_io_data is specified, then this is taken to be the training data and test_io_data is taken to be the test data when creating evaluators for simple (single-split) evaluation.
evaluator_params – parameters with which to instantiate evaluators
cross_validator_params – parameters with which to instantiate cross-validators
test_io_data – optional test data (see io_data)
- class ClassificationModelEvaluation(io_data: InputOutputData, evaluator_params: Optional[Union[ClassificationEvaluatorParams, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, cross_validator_params: Optional[Union[VectorModelCrossValidatorParams, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, test_io_data: Optional[InputOutputData] = None)[source]#
]- Parameters:
io_data – the data set to use for evaluation. For evaluation purposes, this dataset usually will be split into training and test data according to the rules specified by evaluator_params. However, if test_io_data is specified, then this is taken to be the training data and test_io_data is taken to be the test data when creating evaluators for simple (single-split) evaluation.
evaluator_params – parameters with which to instantiate evaluators
cross_validator_params – parameters with which to instantiate cross-validators
test_io_data – optional test data (see io_data)
- class MultiDataModelEvaluation(io_data_dict: Dict[str, InputOutputData], key_name: str = 'dataset', meta_data_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, evaluator_params: Optional[Union[RegressionEvaluatorParams, ClassificationEvaluatorParams, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, cross_validator_params: Optional[Union[VectorModelCrossValidatorParams, Dict[str, Any]]] = None, test_io_data_dict: Optional[Dict[str, Optional[InputOutputData]]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
io_data_dict – a dictionary mapping from names to the data sets with which to evaluate models. For evaluation or cross-validation, these datasets will usually be split according to the rules specified by evaluator_params or `cross_validator_params. An exception is the case where explicit test data sets are specified by passing test_io_data_dict. Then, for these data sets, the io_data will not be split for evaluation, but the test_io_data will be used instead.
key_name – a name for the key value used in inputOutputDataDict, which will be used as a column name in result data frames
meta_data_dict – a dictionary which maps from a name (same keys as in inputOutputDataDict) to a dictionary, which maps from a column name to a value and which is to be used to extend the result data frames containing per-dataset results
evaluator_params – parameters to use for the instantiation of evaluators (relevant if useCrossValidation==False)
cross_validator_params – parameters to use for the instantiation of cross-validators (relevant if useCrossValidation==True)
test_io_data_dict – a dictionary mapping from names to the test data sets to use for evaluation or to None. Entries with non-None values will be used for evaluation of the models that were trained on the respective io_data_dict. If passed, the keys need to be a superset of io_data_dict’s keys (note that the values may be None, e.g. if you want to use test data sets for some entries, and splitting of the io_data for others). If not None, cross-validation cannot be used when calling
- compare_models(model_factories: Sequence[Callable[[], Union[VectorRegressionModel, VectorClassificationModel]]], use_cross_validation=False, result_writer: Optional[ResultWriter] = None, write_per_dataset_results=False, write_csvs=False, column_name_for_model_ranking: Optional[str] = None, rank_max=True, add_combined_eval_stats=False, create_metric_distribution_plots=True, create_combined_eval_stats_plots=False, distribution_plots_cdf=True, distribution_plots_cdf_complementary=False, visitors: Optional[Iterable[ModelComparisonVisitor]] = None) Union[RegressionMultiDataModelComparisonData, ClassificationMultiDataModelComparisonData] [source]#
- Parameters:
model_factories – a sequence of factory functions for the creation of models to evaluate; every factory must result in a model with a fixed model name (otherwise results cannot be correctly aggregated)
use_cross_validation – whether to use cross-validation (rather than a single split) for model evaluation. This can only be used if the instance’s
is None.result_writer – a writer with which to store results; if None, results are not stored
write_per_dataset_results – whether to use resultWriter (if not None) in order to generate detailed results for each dataset in a subdirectory named according to the name of the dataset
write_csvs – whether to write metrics table to CSV files
column_name_for_model_ranking – column name to use for ranking models
rank_max – if true, use max for ranking, else min
add_combined_eval_stats – whether to also report, for each model, evaluation metrics on the combined set data points from all EvalStats objects. Note that for classification, this is only possible if all individual experiments use the same set of class labels.
create_metric_distribution_plots – whether to create, for each model, plots of the distribution of each metric across the datasets (applies only if result_writer is not None)
create_combined_eval_stats_plots – whether to combine, for each type of model, the EvalStats objects from the individual experiments into a single objects that holds all results and use it to create plots reflecting the overall result (applies only if resultWriter is not None). Note that for classification, this is only possible if all individual experiments use the same set of class labels.
distribution_plots_cdf – whether to create CDF plots for the metric distributions. Applies only if create_metric_distribution_plots is True and result_writer is not None.
distribution_plots_cdf_complementary – whether to plot the complementary cdf instead of the regular cdf, provided that distribution_plots_cdf is True.
visitors – visitors which may process individual results. Plots generated by visitors are created/collected at the end of the comparison.
- Returns:
an object containing the full comparison results
- class ModelComparisonData(results_df: pandas.DataFrame, results_by_model_name: Dict[str, Result], evaluator: Optional[VectorModelEvaluator] = None, cross_validator: Optional[VectorModelCrossValidator] = None)[source]#
- class Result(eval_data: Union[VectorClassificationModelEvaluationData, VectorRegressionModelEvaluationData] = None, cross_validation_data: Union[VectorClassificationModelCrossValidationData, VectorRegressionModelCrossValidationData] = None)[source]#
- eval_data: Union[VectorClassificationModelEvaluationData, VectorRegressionModelEvaluationData] = None#
- cross_validation_data: Union[VectorClassificationModelCrossValidationData, VectorRegressionModelCrossValidationData] = None#
- iter_evaluation_data() Iterator[Union[VectorClassificationModelEvaluationData, VectorRegressionModelEvaluationData]] [source]#
- get_best_model(metric_name: str) Union[VectorClassificationModel, VectorRegressionModel, VectorModelBase] [source]#
- class ModelComparisonVisitor[source]#
- abstract collect_results(result_collector: EvaluationResultCollector) None [source]#
Collects results (such as figures) at the end of the model comparison, based on the results collected
- Parameters:
result_collector – the collector to which figures are to be added
- class ModelComparisonVisitorAggregatedFeatureImportance(model_name: str, feature_agg_regex: Sequence[str] = (), write_figure=True, write_data_frame_csv=False)[source]#
During a model comparison, computes aggregated feature importance values for the model with the given name
- Parameters:
model_name – the name of the model for which to compute the aggregated feature importance values
feature_agg_regex – a sequence of regular expressions describing which feature names to sum as one. Each regex must contain exactly one group. If a regex matches a feature name, the feature importance will be summed under the key of the matched group instead of the full feature name. For example, the regex r”(w+)_d+$” will cause “foo_1” and “foo_2” to be summed under “foo” and similarly “bar_1” and “bar_2” to be summed under “bar”.
- get_feature_importance() FeatureImportance [source]#
- collect_results(result_collector: EvaluationResultCollector)[source]#
Collects results (such as figures) at the end of the model comparison, based on the results collected
- Parameters:
result_collector – the collector to which figures are to be added
- class MultiDataModelComparisonData(all_results_df: pandas.DataFrame, mean_results_df: pandas.DataFrame, agg_results_df: pandas.DataFrame, eval_stats_by_model_name: Dict[str, List[TEvalStats]], results_by_model_name: Dict[str, List[Result]], dataset_names: List[str], model_name_to_string_repr: Dict[str, str])[source]#
- create_distribution_plots(result_writer: ResultWriter, cdf=True, cdf_complementary=False)[source]#
Creates plots of distributions of metrics across datasets for each model as a histogram, and additionally any x-y plots (scatter plots & heat maps) for metrics that have associated paired metrics that were also computed
- Parameters:
result_writer – the result writer
cdf – whether to additionally plot, for each distribution, the cumulative distribution function
cdf_complementary – whether to plot the complementary cdf instead of the regular cdf, provided that
is True
- class ClassificationMultiDataModelComparisonData(all_results_df: pandas.DataFrame, mean_results_df: pandas.DataFrame, agg_results_df: pandas.DataFrame, eval_stats_by_model_name: Dict[str, List[TEvalStats]], results_by_model_name: Dict[str, List[Result]], dataset_names: List[str], model_name_to_string_repr: Dict[str, str])[source]#
- class RegressionMultiDataModelComparisonData(all_results_df: pandas.DataFrame, mean_results_df: pandas.DataFrame, agg_results_df: pandas.DataFrame, eval_stats_by_model_name: Dict[str, List[TEvalStats]], results_by_model_name: Dict[str, List[Result]], dataset_names: List[str], model_name_to_string_repr: Dict[str, str])[source]#