

Utility functions and classes for geographic coordinates

approximate_squared_distance(p1: Tuple[float, float], p2: Tuple[float, float])[source]#
  • p1 – a tuple (latitude, longitude)

  • p2 – a tuple (latitude, longitude)


the approximate squared distance (in m²) between p1 and p2

closest_point_on_segment(search_pos: Tuple[float, float], segPoint1: Tuple[float, float], segPoint2: Tuple[float, float])[source]#

Gets the point on the line segment connecting segPoint1 and segPoint2 that is closest to searchPos

  • search_pos – the position for which to search for the closest point on the line segment

  • segPoint1 – the first point defining the line segment on which to search

  • segPoint2 – the second point defining the line segment on which to search


the closest point, which is on the line connecting segPoint1 and segPoint2 (and may be one of the two points)

orientation(p1: Tuple[float, float], p2: Tuple[float, float]) float[source]#

Gets the orientation angle for the vector from p1 to p2

  • p1 – a (lat, lon) pair

  • p2 – a (lat, lon) pair


the orientation angle in rad

abs_angle_difference(a1: float, a2: float) float[source]#

Computes the absolute angle difference in ]-pi, pi] between two angles

  • a1 – an angle in rad

  • a2 – an angle in rad


the difference in rad

closest_point_on_polyline(search_pos, polyline, search_orientation_angle=None, max_angle_difference=0) Tuple[Tuple[float, float], float, int][source]#

Gets the point on the given polyline that is closest to the given search position along with the distance (in metres) to the polyline

  • search_pos – a (lat, lon) pair indicating the position for which to find the closest math on the polyline

  • polyline – list of (lat, lon) pairs that make up the polyline on which to search

  • search_orientation_angle – if not None, defines the orientation with which to compute angle differences (if maxAngleDifference > 0)

  • max_angle_difference – the maximum absolute angle difference (in rad) that is admissible (between the orientation of the respective line segment and the orientation given in searchOrientationAngle)


a tuple (opt_point, opt_dist, opt_segment_start_idx) where opt_point is the closest point (with admissible orientation - or None if there is none), opt_dist is the distance from the polyline to the closest point, opt_segment_start_idx is the index of the first point of the segment on the polyline for which the closest point was found

class GeoCoord(lat: float, lon: float)[source]#

Bases: ToStringMixin

Represents geographic coordinates (WGS84)

distance_to(gps_position: GeoCoord)[source]#
squared_distance_to(gps_position: GeoCoord)[source]#
classmethod mean_coord(geo_coords: Iterable[GeoCoord])[source]#
class GpsTracePoint(lat, lon, time: pandas.Timestamp)[source]#

Bases: GeoCoord

class GeoRect(min_lat: float, min_lon: float, max_lat: float, max_lon: float)[source]#

Bases: object

static from_circle(centre_lat, centre_lon, radius_m)[source]#

Creates the bounding rectangle for the given circular area