Source code for sensai.geoanalytics.geo_coords

Utility functions and classes for geographic coordinates

import math
from typing import Tuple, Iterable

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from ..util.string import ToStringMixin

EARTH_RADIUS = 6371000

[docs]def longitude_per_m(latitude): return LATITUDE_PER_METRE / math.cos(math.radians(latitude))
[docs]def latitude_per_m(): return LATITUDE_PER_METRE
[docs]def approximate_squared_distance(p1: Tuple[float, float], p2: Tuple[float, float]): """ :param p1: a tuple (latitude, longitude) :param p2: a tuple (latitude, longitude) :return: the approximate squared distance (in m²) between p1 and p2 """ lat_per_m = latitude_per_m() p1lat, p1lon = p1 p2lat, p2lon = p2 lon_per_m = longitude_per_m((p1lat + p2lat) / 2) dx = (p2lon - p1lon) / lon_per_m dy = (p2lat - p1lat) / lat_per_m return dx * dx + dy * dy
[docs]def closest_point_on_segment(search_pos: Tuple[float, float], segPoint1: Tuple[float, float], segPoint2: Tuple[float, float]): """ Gets the point on the line segment connecting segPoint1 and segPoint2 that is closest to searchPos :param search_pos: the position for which to search for the closest point on the line segment :param segPoint1: the first point defining the line segment on which to search :param segPoint2: the second point defining the line segment on which to search :return: the closest point, which is on the line connecting segPoint1 and segPoint2 (and may be one of the two points) """ seg1lat, seg1lon = segPoint1 seg2lat, seg2lon = segPoint2 srchlat, srchlon = search_pos lat_per_m = latitude_per_m() lon_per_m = longitude_per_m(srchlat) sp1x = (seg1lon - srchlon) / lon_per_m sp1y = (seg1lat - srchlat) / lat_per_m sp2x = (seg2lon - srchlon) / lon_per_m sp2y = (seg2lat - srchlat) / lat_per_m vx = sp2x - sp1x vy = sp2y - sp1y c1 = -vx * sp1x - vy * sp1y if c1 <= 0: return segPoint1 c2 = vx * vx + vy * vy if c2 <= c1: return segPoint2 b = 0 if c2 == 0 else c1 / c2 lon = seg1lon + b * vx * lon_per_m lat = seg1lat + b * vy * lat_per_m return [lat, lon]
[docs]def orientation(p1: Tuple[float, float], p2: Tuple[float, float]) -> float: """ Gets the orientation angle for the vector from p1 to p2 :param p1: a (lat, lon) pair :param p2: a (lat, lon) pair :return: the orientation angle in rad """ p1_lat, p1_lon = p1 p2_lat, p2_lon = p2 center_lat = (p1_lat + p2_lat) / 2 dx = (p2_lon - p1_lon) / longitude_per_m(center_lat) dy = (p2_lat - p1_lat) / latitude_per_m() return math.atan2(dy, dx)
[docs]def abs_angle_difference(a1: float, a2: float) -> float: """ Computes the absolute angle difference in ]-pi, pi] between two angles :param a1: an angle in rad :param a2: an angle in rad :return: the difference in rad """ d = a1 - a2 while d > math.pi: d -= 2*math.pi while d <= -math.pi: d += 2*math.pi return abs(d)
[docs]def closest_point_on_polyline(search_pos, polyline, search_orientation_angle=None, max_angle_difference=0) \ -> Tuple[Tuple[float, float], float, int]: """ Gets the point on the given polyline that is closest to the given search position along with the distance (in metres) to the polyline :param search_pos: a (lat, lon) pair indicating the position for which to find the closest math on the polyline :param polyline: list of (lat, lon) pairs that make up the polyline on which to search :param search_orientation_angle: if not None, defines the orientation with which to compute angle differences (if maxAngleDifference > 0) :param max_angle_difference: the maximum absolute angle difference (in rad) that is admissible (between the orientation of the respective line segment and the orientation given in searchOrientationAngle) :return: a tuple (opt_point, opt_dist, opt_segment_start_idx) where opt_point is the closest point (with admissible orientation - or None if there is none), opt_dist is the distance from the polyline to the closest point, opt_segment_start_idx is the index of the first point of the segment on the polyline for which the closest point was found """ if len(polyline) < 2: raise Exception("Polyline must consist of at least two points") opt_segment_start_idx = None opt_point = None opt_sq_dist = None for i in range(len(polyline)-1): if max_angle_difference > 0: orientation_angle = orientation(polyline[i], polyline[i+1]) ang_diff = abs_angle_difference(orientation_angle, search_orientation_angle) if ang_diff > max_angle_difference: continue opt_seg_point = closest_point_on_segment(search_pos, polyline[i], polyline[i + 1]) sq_dist = approximate_squared_distance(search_pos, opt_seg_point) if opt_sq_dist is None or sq_dist < opt_sq_dist: opt_point = opt_seg_point opt_sq_dist = sq_dist opt_segment_start_idx = i return opt_point, math.sqrt(opt_sq_dist), opt_segment_start_idx
[docs]class GeoCoord(ToStringMixin): """ Represents geographic coordinates (WGS84) """ def __init__(self, lat: float, lon: float): = lat self.lon = lon
[docs] def latlon(self): return, self.lon
[docs] def distance_to(self, gps_position: 'GeoCoord'): return math.sqrt(self.squared_distance_to(gps_position))
[docs] def squared_distance_to(self, gps_position: 'GeoCoord'): return approximate_squared_distance(self.latlon(), gps_position.latlon())
[docs] def local_coords(self, lcs): return lcs.get_local_coords(, self.lon)
[docs] @classmethod def mean_coord(cls, geo_coords: Iterable["GeoCoord"]): mean_lat = np.mean([ for c in geo_coords]) mean_lon = np.mean([c.lon for c in geo_coords]) # noinspection PyTypeChecker return GeoCoord(mean_lat, mean_lon)
[docs]class GpsTracePoint(GeoCoord): def __init__(self, lat, lon, time: pd.Timestamp): super().__init__(lat, lon) self.time = time
[docs]class GeoRect: def __init__(self, min_lat: float, min_lon: float, max_lat: float, max_lon: float): if max_lat < min_lat or max_lon < min_lon: raise ValueError() self.minLat = min_lat self.minLon = min_lon self.maxLat = max_lat self.maxLon = max_lon
[docs] @staticmethod def from_circle(centre_lat, centre_lon, radius_m): """Creates the bounding rectangle for the given circular area""" from .local_coords import LocalCoordinateSystem lcs = LocalCoordinateSystem(centre_lat, centre_lon) min_lat, min_lon = lcs.get_lat_lon(-radius_m, -radius_m) max_lat, max_lon = lcs.get_lat_lon(radius_m, radius_m) return GeoRect(min_lat, min_lon, max_lat, max_lon)