Source code: sensai/evaluation/eval_stats/eval_stats_clustering.py
- class ClusterLabelsEvalStats(labels: Sequence[int], noise_label: int, default_metrics: List[TMetric], additional_metrics: Optional[List[TMetric]] = None)[source]#
- NUM_CLUSTERS = 'numClusters'#
- AV_SIZE = 'averageClusterSize'#
- MEDIAN_SIZE = 'medianClusterSize'#
- STDDEV_SIZE = 'clusterSizeStd'#
- MIN_SIZE = 'minClusterSize'#
- MAX_SIZE = 'maxClusterSize'#
- NOISE_SIZE = 'noiseClusterSize'#
- class ClusteringUnsupervisedMetric(name: Optional[str] = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
name – the name of the metric; if None use the class’ name attribute
bounds – the minimum and maximum values the metric can take on (or None if the bounds are not specified)
- class RemovedNoiseUnsupervisedMetric(name: Optional[str] = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
name – the name of the metric; if None use the class’ name attribute
bounds – the minimum and maximum values the metric can take on (or None if the bounds are not specified)
- worstValue = 0#
- compute_value_for_eval_stats(eval_stats: ClusteringUnsupervisedEvalStats) float [source]#
- class CalinskiHarabaszScore(name: Optional[str] = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
name – the name of the metric; if None use the class’ name attribute
bounds – the minimum and maximum values the metric can take on (or None if the bounds are not specified)
- name: str = 'CalinskiHarabaszScore'#
- class DaviesBouldinScore(name: Optional[str] = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
name – the name of the metric; if None use the class’ name attribute
bounds – the minimum and maximum values the metric can take on (or None if the bounds are not specified)
- name: str = 'DaviesBouldinScore'#
- worstValue = 1#
- class SilhouetteScore(name: Optional[str] = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
name – the name of the metric; if None use the class’ name attribute
bounds – the minimum and maximum values the metric can take on (or None if the bounds are not specified)
- name: str = 'SilhouetteScore'#
- worstValue = -1#
- class ClusteringUnsupervisedEvalStats(datapoints: numpy.ndarray, labels: Sequence[int], noise_label=- 1, metrics: Optional[Sequence[ClusteringUnsupervisedMetric]] = None, additional_metrics: Optional[Sequence[ClusteringUnsupervisedMetric]] = None)[source]#
]Class containing methods to compute evaluation statistics of a clustering result
- Parameters:
datapoints – datapoints that were clustered
labels – sequence of labels, usually the output of some clustering algorithm
metrics – the metrics to compute. If None, will compute default metrics
additional_metrics – the metrics to additionally compute
- classmethod from_model(clustering_model: EuclideanClusterer)[source]#
- class ClusteringSupervisedMetric(name: Optional[str] = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
name – the name of the metric; if None use the class’ name attribute
bounds – the minimum and maximum values the metric can take on (or None if the bounds are not specified)
- class RemovedCommonNoiseSupervisedMetric(name: Optional[str] = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
name – the name of the metric; if None use the class’ name attribute
bounds – the minimum and maximum values the metric can take on (or None if the bounds are not specified)
- worstValue = 0#
- compute_value_for_eval_stats(eval_stats: ClusteringSupervisedEvalStats) float [source]#
- class VMeasureScore(name: Optional[str] = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
name – the name of the metric; if None use the class’ name attribute
bounds – the minimum and maximum values the metric can take on (or None if the bounds are not specified)
- name: str = 'VMeasureScore'#
- class AdjustedRandScore(name: Optional[str] = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
name – the name of the metric; if None use the class’ name attribute
bounds – the minimum and maximum values the metric can take on (or None if the bounds are not specified)
- name: str = 'AdjustedRandScore'#
- worstValue = -1#
- class FowlkesMallowsScore(name: Optional[str] = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
name – the name of the metric; if None use the class’ name attribute
bounds – the minimum and maximum values the metric can take on (or None if the bounds are not specified)
- name: str = 'FowlkesMallowsScore'#
- class AdjustedMutualInfoScore(name: Optional[str] = None, bounds: Optional[Tuple[float, float]] = None)[source]#
- Parameters:
name – the name of the metric; if None use the class’ name attribute
bounds – the minimum and maximum values the metric can take on (or None if the bounds are not specified)
- name: str = 'AdjustedMutualInfoScore'#
- class ClusteringSupervisedEvalStats(labels: Sequence[int], true_labels: Sequence[int], noise_label=- 1, metrics: Optional[Sequence[ClusteringSupervisedMetric]] = None, additional_metrics: Optional[Sequence[ClusteringSupervisedMetric]] = None)[source]#
]Class containing methods to compute evaluation statistics a clustering result based on ground truth clusters
- Parameters:
labels – sequence of labels, usually the output of some clustering algorithm
true_labels – sequence of labels that represent the ground truth clusters
metrics – the metrics to compute. If None, will compute default metrics
additional_metrics – the metrics to additionally compute
- classmethod from_model(clustering_model: EuclideanClusterer, true_labels: Sequence[int])[source]#