

class BoxedValue(value: TValue)[source]#

Bases: Generic[TValue]

Container for a value, which can be used in caches where values may be None (to differentiate the value not being present in the cache from the cached value being None)

class KeyValueCache[source]#

Bases: Generic[TKey, TValue], ABC

abstract set(key: TKey, value: TValue)[source]#

Sets a cached value

  • key – the key under which to store the value

  • value – the value to store; since None is used indicate the absence of a value, None should not be used a value

abstract get(key: TKey) Optional[TValue][source]#

Retrieves a cached value


key – the lookup key


the cached value or None if no value is found

class InMemoryKeyValueCache[source]#

Bases: KeyValueCache[TKey, TValue], Generic[TKey, TValue]

A simple in-memory cache (which uses a dictionary internally).

This class can be instantiated directly, but for better typing support, one can instead inherit from it and provide the types of the key and value as type arguments. For example for a cache with string keys and integer values:

class MyCache(InMemoryKeyValueCache[str, int]):
set(key: TKey, value: TValue)[source]#

Sets a cached value

  • key – the key under which to store the value

  • value – the value to store; since None is used indicate the absence of a value, None should not be used a value

get(key: TKey) Optional[TValue][source]#

Retrieves a cached value


key – the lookup key


the cached value or None if no value is found

class PersistentKeyValueCache[source]#

Bases: KeyValueCache[TKey, TValue], Generic[TKey, TValue], ABC

class PersistentList[source]#

Bases: Generic[TValue], ABC

abstract append(item: TValue)[source]#

Adds an item to the cache


item – the item to store

abstract iter_items() Iterator[TValue][source]#

Iterates over the items in the persisted list


generator of item

class DelayedUpdateHook(fn: Callable[[], Any], time_period_secs, periodically_executed_fn: Optional[Callable[[], Any]] = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Ensures that a given function is executed after an update happens, but delay the execution until there are no further updates for a certain time period

  • fn – the function to eventually call after an update

  • time_period_secs – the time that must pass while not receiving further updates for fn to be called

  • periodically_executed_fn – a function to execute periodically (every timePeriodSecs seconds) in the busy waiting loop, which may, for example, log information or apply additional executions, which must not interfere with the correctness of the execution of fn


Notifies of an update and ensures that the function passed at construction is eventually called (after no more updates are received within the respective time window)

class PeriodicUpdateHook(check_interval_secs: float, no_update_time_period_secs: Optional[float] = None, no_update_fn: Optional[Callable[[], Any]] = None, periodic_fn: Optional[Callable[[], Any]] = None)[source]#

Bases: object

Periodically checks whether a function shall be called as a result of an update, the function potentially being non-atomic (i.e. it may take a long time to execute such that new updates may come in while it is executing). Two function all mechanisms are in place:

  • a function which is called if there has not been a new update for a certain time period (which may be called several times if updates come in while the function is being executed)

  • a function which is called periodically

  • check_interval_secs – the time period, in seconds, between checks

  • no_update_time_period_secs – the time period after which to execute noUpdateFn if no further updates have come in. This must be at least as large as checkIntervalSecs. If None, use checkIntervalSecs.

  • no_update_fn – the function to call if there have been no further updates for noUpdateTimePeriodSecs seconds

  • periodic_fn – a function to execute periodically (every checkIntervalSecs seconds) in the busy waiting loop, which may, for example, log information or apply additional executions, which must not interfere with the correctness of the execution of fn


Notifies of an update, making sure the functions given at construction will be called as specified

class PicklePersistentKeyValueCache(pickle_path, version=1, save_on_update=True, deferred_save_delay_secs=1.0)[source]#

Bases: PersistentKeyValueCache[TKey, TValue]

Represents a key-value cache as a dictionary which is persisted in a file using pickle

  • pickle_path – the path of the file where the cache values are to be persisted

  • version – the version of cache entries. If a persisted cache with a non-matching version is found, it is discarded

  • save_on_update – whether to persist the cache after an update; the cache is saved in a deferred manner and will be saved after deferredSaveDelaySecs if no new updates have arrived in the meantime, i.e. it will ultimately be saved deferredSaveDelaySecs after the latest update

  • deferred_save_delay_secs – the number of seconds to wait for additional data to be added to the cache before actually storing the cache after a cache update


Saves the cache in the file whose path was provided at construction

get(key: TKey) Optional[TValue][source]#

Retrieves a cached value


key – the lookup key


the cached value or None if no value is found

set(key: TKey, value: TValue)[source]#

Sets a cached value

  • key – the key under which to store the value

  • value – the value to store; since None is used indicate the absence of a value, None should not be used a value

class SlicedPicklePersistentList(directory, pickle_base_name, num_entries_per_slice=100000)[source]#

Bases: PersistentList

Object handling the creation and access to sliced pickle caches

  • directory – path to the directory where the sliced caches are to be stored

  • pickle_base_name – base name for the pickle, where slices will have the names {pickleBaseName}_sliceX.pickle

  • num_entries_per_slice – how many entries should be stored in each cache


Append item to cache :param item: entry in the cache

iter_items() Iterator[Any][source]#

Iterate over entries in the sliced cache :return: iterator over all items in the cache


Clears the cache if it exists

cache_exists() bool[source]#

Does this cache already exist :return: True if cache exists, False if not

class SqliteConnectionManager[source]#

Bases: object

classmethod open_connection(path)[source]#
class SqlitePersistentKeyValueCache(path, table_name='cache', deferred_commit_delay_secs=1.0, key_type: KeyType = KeyType.STRING, max_key_length=255)[source]#

Bases: PersistentKeyValueCache[TKey, TValue]

  • path – the path to the file that is to hold the SQLite database

  • table_name – the name of the table to create in the database

  • deferred_commit_delay_secs – the time frame during which no new data must be added for a pending transaction to be committed

  • key_type – the type to use for keys; for complex keys (i.e. tuples), use STRING (conversions to string are automatic)

  • max_key_length – the maximum key length for the case where the key_type can be parametrised (e.g. STRING)

class KeyType(value)[source]#

Bases: Enum

An enumeration.

STRING = ('VARCHAR(%d)',)#
set(key: TKey, value: TValue)[source]#

Sets a cached value

  • key – the key under which to store the value

  • value – the value to store; since None is used indicate the absence of a value, None should not be used a value

get(key: TKey) Optional[TValue][source]#

Retrieves a cached value


key – the lookup key


the cached value or None if no value is found

class SqlitePersistentList(path)[source]#

Bases: PersistentList


Adds an item to the cache


item – the item to store


Iterates over the items in the persisted list


generator of item

class CachedValueProviderMixin(cache: Optional[KeyValueCache[TKey, TValue]] = None, cache_factory: Optional[Callable[[], KeyValueCache[TKey, TValue]]] = None, persist_cache=False, box_values=False)[source]#

Bases: Generic[TKey, TValue, TData], ABC

Represents a value provider that can provide values associated with (hashable) keys via a cache or, if cached values are not yet present, by computing them.

  • cache – the cache to use or None. If None, caching will be disabled

  • cache_factory – a factory with which to create the cache (or recreate it after unpickling if persistCache is False, in which case this factory must be picklable)

  • persist_cache – whether to persist the cache when pickling

  • box_values – whether to box values, such that None is admissible as a value

cached(fn: Callable[[], T], pickle_path, function_name=None, validity_check_fn: Optional[Callable[[T], bool]] = None, backend='pickle', protocol=5, load=True, version=None) T[source]#

Calls the given function unless its result is already cached (in a pickle), in which case it will read the cached result and return it.

Rather than directly calling this function, consider using the decorator variant pickle_cached().

  • fn – the function whose result is to be cached

  • pickle_path – the path in which to store the cached result

  • function_name – the name of the function fn (for the case where its __name__ attribute is not informative)

  • validity_check_fn – an optional function to call in order to check whether a cached result is still valid; the function shall return True if the result is still valid and false otherwise. If a cached result is invalid, the function fn is called to compute the result and the cached result is updated.

  • backend – pickle or joblib

  • protocol – the pickle protocol version

  • load – whether to load a previously persisted result; if False, do not load an old result but store the newly computed result

  • version – if not None, previously persisted data will only be returned if it was stored with the same version


the result (either obtained from the cache or the function)

pickle_cached(cache_base_path: str, filename_prefix: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, backend='pickle', protocol=5, load=True, version=None)[source]#

Function decorator for caching function results via pickle.

Add this decorator to any function to cache its results in pickle files. The function may have arguments, in which case the cache will be specific to the actual arguments by computing a hash code from their pickled representation.

  • cache_base_path – the directory where the pickle cache file will be stored

  • filename_prefix – a prefix of the name of the cache file to be created, to which the function name and, where applicable, a hash code of the function arguments as well as the extension “.cache.pickle” will be appended. The prefix need not end in a separator, as “-” will automatically be added between filename components.

  • filename – the full file name of the cache file to be created; if the function takes arguments, the filename must contain a placeholder ‘%s’ for the argument hash

  • backend – the serialisation backend to use (see dumpPickle)

  • protocol – the pickle protocol version to use

  • load – whether to load a previously persisted result; if False, do not load an old result but store the newly computed result

  • version – if not None, previously persisted data will only be returned if it was stored with the same version

PickleCached(cache_base_path: str, filename_prefix: Optional[str] = None, filename: Optional[str] = None, backend='pickle', protocol=5, load=True, version=None)#

Function decorator for caching function results via pickle.

Add this decorator to any function to cache its results in pickle files. The function may have arguments, in which case the cache will be specific to the actual arguments by computing a hash code from their pickled representation.

  • cache_base_path – the directory where the pickle cache file will be stored

  • filename_prefix – a prefix of the name of the cache file to be created, to which the function name and, where applicable, a hash code of the function arguments as well as the extension “.cache.pickle” will be appended. The prefix need not end in a separator, as “-” will automatically be added between filename components.

  • filename – the full file name of the cache file to be created; if the function takes arguments, the filename must contain a placeholder ‘%s’ for the argument hash

  • backend – the serialisation backend to use (see dumpPickle)

  • protocol – the pickle protocol version to use

  • load – whether to load a previously persisted result; if False, do not load an old result but store the newly computed result

  • version – if not None, previously persisted data will only be returned if it was stored with the same version

class LoadSaveInterface[source]#

Bases: ABC

abstract save(path: str) None[source]#
abstract classmethod load(path: str) T[source]#
class PickleLoadSaveMixin[source]#

Bases: LoadSaveInterface

save(path: Union[str, Path], backend='pickle')[source]#

Saves the instance as pickle

  • path

  • backend – pickle, cloudpickle, or joblib

classmethod load(path: Union[str, Path], backend='pickle')[source]#

Loads a class instance from pickle

  • path

  • backend – pickle, cloudpickle, or joblib


instance of the present class

class LRUCache(capacity: int)[source]#

Bases: KeyValueCache[THashableKey, TValue], Generic[THashableKey, TValue]

get(key: THashableKey) TValue[source]#

Retrieves a cached value


key – the lookup key


the cached value or None if no value is found

set(key: THashableKey, value: TValue)[source]#

Sets a cached value

  • key – the key under which to store the value

  • value – the value to store; since None is used indicate the absence of a value, None should not be used a value

clear() None[source]#