import collections
import logging
from typing import Sequence, Callable, TypeVar, Tuple, Optional, List, Any, Union, Dict
import matplotlib.figure
import matplotlib.ticker as plticker
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import seaborn as sns
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
from sensai.util.pandas import SeriesInterpolation
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class Color:
def __init__(self, c: Any):
:param c: any color specification that is understood by matplotlib
self.rgba = matplotlib.colors.to_rgba(c)
[docs] def darken(self, amount: float):
:param amount: amount to darken in [0,1], where 1 results in black and 0 leaves the color unchanged
:return: the darkened color
import colorsys
rgb = matplotlib.colors.to_rgb(self.rgba)
h, l, s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*rgb)
l *= amount
rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
return Color((*rgb, self.rgba[3]))
[docs] def lighten(self, amount: float):
:param amount: amount to lighten in [0,1], where 1 results in white and 0 leaves the color unchanged
:return: the lightened color
import colorsys
rgb = matplotlib.colors.to_rgb(self.rgba)
h, l, s = colorsys.rgb_to_hls(*rgb)
l += (1-l) * amount
rgb = colorsys.hls_to_rgb(h, l, s)
return Color((*rgb, self.rgba[3]))
[docs] def alpha(self, opacity: float) -> "Color":
Returns a new color with modified alpha channel (opacity)
:param opacity: the opacity between 0 (transparent) and 1 (fully opaque)
:return: the modified color
if not (0 <= opacity <= 1):
raise ValueError(f"Opacity must be between 0 and 1, got {opacity}")
return Color((*self.rgba[:3], opacity))
[docs] def to_hex(self, keep_alpha=True) -> str:
return matplotlib.colors.to_hex(self.rgba, keep_alpha)
[docs]class LinearColorMap:
Facilitates usage of linear segmented colour maps by combining a colour map (member `cmap`), which transforms normalised values in [0,1]
into colours, with a normaliser that transforms the original values. The member `scalarMapper`
def __init__(self, norm_min, norm_max, cmap_points: List[Tuple[float, Any]], cmap_points_normalised=False):
:param norm_min: the value that shall be mapped to 0 in the normalised representation (any smaller values are also clipped to 0)
:param norm_max: the value that shall be mapped to 1 in the normalised representation (any larger values are also clipped to 1)
:param cmap_points: a list (of at least two) tuples (v, c) where v is the value and c is the colour associated with the value;
any colour specification supported by matplotlib is admissible
:param cmap_points_normalised: whether the values in `cmap_points` are already normalised
self.norm = matplotlib.colors.Normalize(vmin=norm_min, vmax=norm_max, clip=True)
if not cmap_points_normalised:
cmap_points = [(self.norm(v), c) for v, c in cmap_points]
self.cmap = LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list(f"cmap{id(self)}", cmap_points)
self.scalarMapper =, cmap=self.cmap)
[docs] def get_color(self, value):
rgba = self.scalarMapper.to_rgba(value)
return '#%02x%02x%02x%02x' % tuple(int(v * 255) for v in rgba)
[docs]def plot_matrix(matrix: np.ndarray, title: str, xtick_labels: Sequence[str], ytick_labels: Sequence[str], xlabel: str,
ylabel: str, normalize=True, figsize: Tuple[int, int] = (9, 9), title_add: str = None) -> matplotlib.figure.Figure:
:param matrix: matrix whose data to plot, where matrix[i, j] will be rendered at x=i, y=j
:param title: the plot's title
:param xtick_labels: the labels for the x-axis ticks
:param ytick_labels: the labels for the y-axis ticks
:param xlabel: the label for the x-axis
:param ylabel: the label for the y-axis
:param normalize: whether to normalise the matrix before plotting it (dividing each entry by the sum of all entries)
:param figsize: an optional size of the figure to be created
:param title_add: an optional second line to add to the title
:return: the figure object
matrix = np.transpose(matrix)
if title_add is not None:
title += f"\n {title_add} "
if normalize:
matrix = matrix.astype('float') / matrix.sum()
fig, ax = plt.subplots(figsize=figsize)
fig.canvas.manager.set_window_title(title.replace("\n", " "))
# We want to show all ticks...
# ... and label them with the respective list entries
xticklabels=xtick_labels, yticklabels=ytick_labels,
im = ax.imshow(matrix, interpolation='nearest',
ax.figure.colorbar(im, ax=ax)
# Rotate the tick labels and set their alignment.
plt.setp(ax.get_xticklabels(), rotation=45, ha="right",
# Loop over data dimensions and create text annotations.
fmt = '.4f' if normalize else ('.2f' if matrix.dtype.kind == 'f' else 'd')
thresh = matrix.max() / 2.
for i in range(matrix.shape[0]):
for j in range(matrix.shape[1]):
ax.text(j, i, format(matrix[i, j], fmt),
ha="center", va="center",
color="white" if matrix[i, j] > thresh else "black")
return fig
TPlot = TypeVar("TPlot", bound="Plot")
[docs]class Plot:
def __init__(self, draw: Callable[[plt.Axes], None] = None, name=None, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None):
:param draw: function which returns a matplotlib.Axes object to show
:param name: name/number of the figure, which determines the window caption; it should be unique, as any plot
with the same name will have its contents rendered in the same window. By default, figures are number
:param ax: the axes to draw to
if ax is not None:
fig = None
fig, ax = plt.subplots(num=name)
self.fig: plt.Figure = fig plt.Axes = ax
if draw is not None:
[docs] def xlabel(self: TPlot, label) -> TPlot:
return self
[docs] def ylabel(self: TPlot, label) -> TPlot:
return self
[docs] def title(self: TPlot, title: str) -> TPlot:
return self
[docs] def xlim(self: TPlot, min_value, max_value) -> TPlot:, max_value)
return self
[docs] def ylim(self: TPlot, min_value, max_value) -> TPlot:, max_value)
return self
[docs] def save(self, path):"Saving figure in {path}")
[docs] def show(self):
[docs] def xtick(self: TPlot, major=None, minor=None) -> TPlot:
Sets a tick on every integer multiple of the given base values.
The major ticks are labelled, the minor ticks are not.
:param major: the major tick base value
:param minor: the minor tick base value
:return: self
if major is not None:
if minor is not None:
return self
[docs] def xtick_major(self: TPlot, base) -> TPlot:
return self
[docs] def xtick_minor(self: TPlot, base) -> TPlot:
return self
[docs] def ytick_major(self: TPlot, base) -> TPlot:
return self
[docs]class ScatterPlot(Plot):
def __init__(self, x, y, c=None, c_base: Tuple[float, float, float] = (0, 0, 1), c_opacity=None, x_label=None,
y_label=None, add_diagonal=False, **kwargs):
:param x: the x values; if has name (e.g. pd.Series), will be used as axis label
:param y: the y values; if has name (e.g. pd.Series), will be used as axis label
:param c: the colour specification; if None, compose from ``c_base`` and ``c_opacity``
:param c_base: the base colour as (R, G, B) floats
:param c_opacity: the opacity; if None, automatically determine from number of data points
:param x_label:
:param y_label:
:param kwargs:
if c is None:
if c_base is None:
c_base = (0, 0, 1)
if c_opacity is None:
n = len(x)
transparency = 1
elif n < self.N_MIN_TRANSPARENCY:
transparency = 0
transparency = (n - self.N_MIN_TRANSPARENCY) / (self.N_MAX_TRANSPARENCY - self.N_MIN_TRANSPARENCY)
c_opacity = self.MIN_OPACITY + (self.MAX_OPACITY - self.MIN_OPACITY) * (1-transparency)
c = ((*c_base, c_opacity),)
assert len(x) == len(y)
if x_label is None and hasattr(x, "name"):
x_label =
if y_label is None and hasattr(y, "name"):
y_label =
def draw(ax):
if x_label is not None:
if x_label is not None:
value_range = [min(min(x), min(y)), max(max(x), max(y))]
plt.scatter(x, y, c=c, **kwargs)
if add_diagonal:
plt.plot(value_range, value_range, '-', lw=1, label="_not in legend", color="green", zorder=1)
[docs]class HeatMapPlot(Plot):
DEFAULT_CMAP_FACTORY = lambda num_points: LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("whiteToRed",
((0, (1, 1, 1)), (1 / num_points, (1, 0.96, 0.96)), (1, (0.7, 0, 0))), num_points)
def __init__(self, x, y, x_label=None, y_label=None, bins=60, cmap=None, common_range=True, diagonal=False,
diagonal_color="green", **kwargs):
:param x: the x values
:param y: the y values
:param x_label: the x-axis label
:param y_label: the y-axis label
:param bins: the number of bins to use in each dimension
:param cmap: the colour map to use for heat values (if None, use default)
:param common_range: whether the heat map is to use a common rng for the x- and y-axes (set to False if x and y are completely
different quantities; set to True use cases such as the evaluation of regression model quality)
:param diagonal: whether to draw the diagonal line (useful for regression evaluation)
:param diagonal_color: the colour to use for the diagonal line
:param kwargs: parameters to pass on to plt.imshow
assert len(x) == len(y)
if x_label is None and hasattr(x, "name"):
x_label =
if y_label is None and hasattr(y, "name"):
y_label =
def draw(ax):
nonlocal cmap
x_range = [min(x), max(x)]
y_range = [min(y), max(y)]
rng = [min(x_range[0], y_range[0]), max(x_range[1], y_range[1])]
if common_range:
x_range = y_range = rng
if diagonal:
plt.plot(rng, rng, '-', lw=0.75, label="_not in legend", color=diagonal_color, zorder=2)
heatmap, _, _ = np.histogram2d(x, y, range=[x_range, y_range], bins=bins, density=False)
extent = [x_range[0], x_range[1], y_range[0], y_range[1]]
if cmap is None:
cmap = HeatMapPlot.DEFAULT_CMAP_FACTORY(len(x))
if x_label is not None:
if y_label is not None:
plt.imshow(heatmap.T, extent=extent, origin='lower', interpolation="none", cmap=cmap, zorder=1, aspect="auto", **kwargs)
[docs]class HistogramPlot(Plot):
def __init__(self, values, bins="auto", kde=False, cdf=False, cdf_complementary=False, cdf_secondary_axis=True,
binwidth=None, stat="probability", xlabel=None,
:param values: the values to plot
:param bins: a bin specification as understood by sns.histplot
:param kde: whether to add a kernel density estimator
:param cdf: whether to add a plot of the cumulative distribution function (cdf)
:param cdf_complementary: whether to plot, if cdf is enabled, the complementary values
:param cdf_secondary_axis: whether to use, if cdf is enabled, a secondary
:param binwidth: the bin width; if None, inferred
:param stat: the statistic to plot (as understood by sns.histplot)
:param xlabel: the label for the x-axis
:param kwargs: arguments to pass on to sns.histplot
def draw(ax):
nonlocal cdf_secondary_axis
sns.histplot(values, bins=bins, kde=kde, binwidth=binwidth, stat=stat, **kwargs)
if cdf:
ecdf_stat = stat
if ecdf_stat not in ("count", "proportion", "probability"):
ecdf_stat = "proportion"
cdf_secondary_axis = True
cdf_ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None
cdf_ax_label = f"{ecdf_stat} (cdf)"
if cdf_secondary_axis:
cdf_ax: plt.Axes = plt.twinx()
if stat in ("proportion", "probability"):
y_tick = 0.1
elif stat == "percent":
y_tick = 10
y_tick = None
if y_tick is not None:
if cdf_complementary or ecdf_stat in ("count", "proportion", "probability"):
ecdf_stat = "proportion" if stat == "probability" else stat # same semantics but "probability" not understood by ecdfplot
sns.ecdfplot(values, stat=ecdf_stat, complementary=cdf_complementary, color="orange", ax=cdf_ax)
sns.histplot(values, bins=100, stat=stat, element="poly", fill=False, cumulative=True, color="orange", ax=cdf_ax)
if cdf_ax is not None:
if xlabel is not None:
[docs]class AverageSeriesLinePlot(Plot):
Plots the average of a collection of series or the averages of several collections of series,
establishing a common index (the unification of all indices) for each collection via interpolation.
The standard deviation is additionally shown as a shaded area around each line.
def __init__(self,
series_collection: Union[List[pd.Series], Dict[str, List[pd.Series]]],
interpolation: SeriesInterpolation,
ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None,
hue_order=None, palette=None):
:param series_collection: either a list of series to average or a dictionary mapping the name of a collection
to a list of series to average
:param interpolation: the interpolation with which to obtain series values for the unified index of a collection of series
:param collection_name: a name indicating what a key in `series_collection` refers to, which will appear in the legend
for the case where more than one collection is passed
:param ax: the axis to plot to; if None, create a new figure and axis
:param hue_order: the hue order (for the case where there is more than one collection of series)
:param palette: the colour palette to use
if isinstance(series_collection, dict):
series_dict = series_collection
series_dict = {"_": series_collection}
series_list = next(iter(series_dict.values()))
x_name = series_list[0] or "x"
y_name = series_list[0].name or "y"
# build data frame with all series, interpolating each sub-collection
dfs = []
for name, series_list in series_dict.items():
interpolated_series_list = interpolation.interpolate_all_with_combined_index(series_list)
for series in interpolated_series_list:
df = pd.DataFrame({y_name: series, x_name: series.index})
df["series_id"] = id(series)
df[collection_name] = name
full_df = pd.concat(dfs, axis=0).reset_index(drop=True)
def draw(ax):
hue=collection_name if len(series_dict) > 1 else None,
super().__init__(draw, ax=ax)