

class ResidualFeedForwardNetwork(*args: Any, **kwargs: Any)[source]#

Bases: Module

A feed-forward network consisting of a fully connected input layer, a configurable number of residual blocks and a fully connected output layer. Similar architecture are described in e.g. [1] and [2] and are all inspired by ResNet [3]. Each residual block consists of two fully connected layers with (optionally) batch normalisation and dropout, which can all be bypassed by a so-called skip connection. The skip path and the non-skip path are added as the last step within each block.

More precisely, the non-skip path consists of the following layers: batch normalization -> ReLU, dropout -> fully-connected -> batch normalization -> ReLU, dropout -> fully-connected The use of the activation function before the connected layers is called “pre-activation” [4].

The skip path does nothing for the case where the input dimension of the block equals the output dimension. If these dimensions are different, the skip-path consists of a fully-connected layer, but with no activation, normalization, or dropout.

Within each block, the dimension can be reduced by a certain factor. This is known as “bottleneck” design. It has been shown for the original ResNet, that such a bottleneck design can reduce the number of parameters of the models and improve the training behaviour without compromising the results.

Batch normalisation can be deactivated, but normally it improves the results, since it not only provides some regularisation, but also normalises the distribution of the inputs of each layer and therefore addresses the problem of “internal covariate shift”[5]. The mechanism behind this is not yet fully understood (see e.g. the Wikipedia article on batch normalisation for further references). Our batch normalisation module will normalise batches per dimension C in 2D tensors of shape (N, C) or 3D tensors of shape (N, L, C).


  • [1] Chen, Dongwei et al. “Deep Residual Learning for Nonlinear Regression.” Entropy 22, no. 2 (February 2020): 193.

  • [2] Kiprijanovska, et al. “HousEEC: Day-Ahead Household Electrical Energy Consumption Forecasting Using Deep Learning.” Energies 13, no. 10 (January 2020): 2672.

  • [3] He, Kaiming, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Jian Sun. “Deep Residual Learning for Image Recognition.” ArXiv:1512.03385 [Cs], December 10, 2015.

  • [4] He, Kaiming, Xiangyu Zhang, Shaoqing Ren, and Jian Sun. “Identity Mappings in Deep Residual Networks.” ArXiv:1603.05027 [Cs], July 25, 2016.

  • [5] Ioffe, Sergey, and Christian Szegedy. “Batch Normalization: Accelerating Deep Network Training by Reducing Internal Covariate Shift.” ArXiv:1502.03167 [Cs], March 2, 2015.

  • input_dim – the input dimension of the model

  • output_dim – the output dimension of the model

  • hidden_dims – a list of dimensions; for each list item, a residual block with the corresponding dimension is created

  • bottleneck_dimension_factor – an optional factor that specifies the hidden dimension within each block

  • p_dropout – the dropout probability to use during training (defaults to None for no dropout)

  • use_batch_normalisation – whether to use batch normalisation (defaults to True)
