Source code for sensai.util.version

from .string import ToStringMixin

[docs]class Version(ToStringMixin): """ Assists in checking the version of a Python package based on the __version__ attribute """ def __init__(self, package): """ :param package: the package object """ self.components = package.__version__.split(".")
[docs] def is_at_least(self, *components: int): """ Checks this version against the given version components. This version object must contain at least the respective number of components :param components: version components in order (i.e. major, minor, patch, etc.) :return: True if the version is at least the given version, False otherwise """ for i, desired_min_version in enumerate(components): actual_version = int(self.components[i]) if actual_version < desired_min_version: return False elif actual_version > desired_min_version: return True return True
[docs] def is_at_most(self, *components: int): """ Checks this version against the given version components. This version object must contain at least the respective number of components :param components: version components in order (i.e. major, minor, patch, etc.) :return: True if the version is at most the given version, False otherwise """ for i, desired_max_version in enumerate(components): actual_version = int(self.components[i]) if actual_version > desired_max_version: return False elif actual_version < desired_max_version: return True return True
[docs] def is_equal(self, *components: int): """ Checks this version against the given version components. This version object must contain at least the respective number of components :param components: version components in order (i.e. major, minor, patch, etc.) :return: True if the version is the given version, False otherwise """ return self.components[:len(components)] == list(components)