Source code for sensai.util.pandas
import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from copy import copy
from typing import List, Optional
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from sensai.util import mark_used
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class DataFrameColumnChangeTracker:
A simple class for keeping track of changes in columns between an initial data frame and some other data frame
(usually the result of some transformations performed on the initial one).
>>> from sensai.util.pandas import DataFrameColumnChangeTracker
>>> import pandas as pd
>>> df = pd.DataFrame({"bar": [1, 2]})
>>> columnChangeTracker = DataFrameColumnChangeTracker(df)
>>> df["foo"] = [4, 5]
>>> columnChangeTracker.track_change(df)
>>> columnChangeTracker.get_removed_columns()
>>> columnChangeTracker.get_added_columns()
def __init__(self, initial_df: pd.DataFrame):
self.initialColumns = copy(initial_df.columns)
self.final_columns = None
[docs] def track_change(self, changed_df: pd.DataFrame):
self.final_columns = copy(changed_df.columns)
[docs] def get_removed_columns(self):
return set(self.initialColumns).difference(self.final_columns)
[docs] def get_added_columns(self):
Returns the columns in the last entry of the history that were not present the first one
return set(self.final_columns).difference(self.initialColumns)
[docs] def column_change_string(self):
Returns a string representation of the change
if list(self.initialColumns) == list(self.final_columns):
return "none"
removed_cols, added_cols = self.get_removed_columns(), self.get_added_columns()
if removed_cols == added_cols == set():
return f"reordered {list(self.final_columns)}"
return f"added={list(added_cols)}, removed={list(removed_cols)}"
[docs] def assert_change_was_tracked(self):
if self.final_columns is None:
raise Exception(f"No change was tracked yet. "
f"Did you forget to call trackChange on the resulting data frame?")
[docs]def remove_duplicate_index_entries(df: pd.DataFrame):
Removes successive duplicate index entries by keeping only the first occurrence for every duplicate index element.
:param df: the data frame, which is assumed to have a sorted index
:return: the (modified) data frame with duplicate index entries removed
keep = [True]
prev_item = df.index[0]
for item in df.index[1:]:
keep.append(item != prev_item)
prev_item = item
return df[keep]
[docs]def query_data_frame(df: pd.DataFrame, sql: str):
Queries the given data frame with the given condition specified in SQL syntax.
NOTE: Requires duckdb to be installed.
:param df: the data frame to query
:param sql: an SQL query starting with the WHERE clause (excluding the 'where' keyword itself)
:return: the filtered/transformed data frame
import duckdb
def is_supported_object_col(col_name: str):
supported_type_set = set()
contains_unsupported_types = False
# check the first N values
for value in df[col_name].iloc[:NUM_TYPE_INFERENCE_ROWS]:
if isinstance(value, str):
elif value is None:
contains_unsupported_types = True
return not contains_unsupported_types and len(supported_type_set) == 1
# determine which columns are object columns that are unsupported by duckdb and would raise errors
# if they remained in the data frame that is queried
added_index_col = "__sensai_resultset_index__"
original_columns = df.columns
object_columns = list(df.dtypes[df.dtypes == object].index)
object_columns = [c for c in object_columns if not is_supported_object_col(c)]
# add an artificial index which we will use to identify the rows for object column reconstruction
df[added_index_col] = np.arange(len(df))
# remove the object columns from the data frame but save them for subsequent reconstruction
objects_df = df[object_columns + [added_index_col]]
query_df = df.drop(columns=object_columns)
# apply query with reduced df
result_df = duckdb.query(f"select * from query_df where {sql}").to_df()
# restore object columns in result
objects_df.set_index(added_index_col, drop=True, inplace=True)
result_df.set_index(added_index_col, drop=True, inplace=True)
result_objects_df = objects_df.loc[result_df.index]
assert len(result_df) == len(result_objects_df)
full_result_df = pd.concat([result_df, result_objects_df], axis=1)
full_result_df = full_result_df[original_columns]
# clean up
df.drop(columns=added_index_col, inplace=True)
return full_result_df
[docs]class SeriesInterpolation(ABC):
[docs] def interpolate(self, series: pd.Series, inplace: bool = False) -> Optional[pd.Series]:
if not inplace:
series = series.copy()
return series if not inplace else None
def _interpolate_in_place(self, series: pd.Series) -> None:
[docs] def interpolate_all_with_combined_index(self, series_list: List[pd.Series]) -> List[pd.Series]:
Interpolates the given series using the combined index of all series.
:param series_list: the list of series to interpolate
:return: a list of corresponding interpolated series, each having the same index
# determine common index and
index_elements = set()
for series in series_list:
common_index = sorted(index_elements)
# reindex, filling the gaps via interpolation
interpolated_series_list = []
for series in series_list:
series = series.copy()
series = series.reindex(common_index, method=None)
self.interpolate(series, inplace=True)
return interpolated_series_list
[docs]class SeriesInterpolationLinearIndex(SeriesInterpolation):
def __init__(self, ffill: bool = False, bfill: bool = False):
:param ffill: whether to fill any N/A values at the end of the series with the last valid observation
:param bfill: whether to fill any N/A values at the start of the series with the first valid observation
self.ffill = ffill
self.bfill = bfill
def _interpolate_in_place(self, series: pd.Series) -> None:
series.interpolate(method="index", inplace=True)
if self.ffill:
series.interpolate(method="ffill", limit_direction="forward")
if self.bfill:
series.interpolate(method="bfill", limit_direction="backward")
[docs]class SeriesInterpolationRepeatPreceding(SeriesInterpolation):
def __init__(self, bfill: bool = False):
:param bfill: whether to fill any N/A values at the start of the series with the first valid observation
self.bfill = bfill
def _interpolate_in_place(self, series: pd.Series) -> None:
series.interpolate(method="pad", limit_direction="forward", inplace=True)
if self.bfill:
series.interpolate(method="bfill", limit_direction="backward")
[docs]def average_series(series_list: List[pd.Series], interpolation: SeriesInterpolation) -> pd.Series:
interpolated_series_list = interpolation.interpolate_all_with_combined_index(series_list)
return sum(interpolated_series_list) / len(interpolated_series_list) # type: ignore