Source code for sensai.util.jscode

Utility classes and functions for JavaScript code generation
import json
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from typing import Union, Any

import numpy as np

from .string import list_string

PythonType = Union[str, int, bool, float]

[docs]class JsCode(ABC): def __str__(self): return self.get_js_code()
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_js_code(self): pass
[docs]class JsCodeLiteral(JsCode): def __init__(self, js_code: str): self.js_code = js_code
[docs] def get_js_code(self): return self.js_code
[docs]class JsValue(JsCode, ABC):
[docs] @classmethod def from_python(cls, value: PythonType): t = type(value) if t == str: return cls.string_value(value) elif t == int: return cls.int_value(value) elif value is None: return cls.undefined() elif t == bool: return cls.bool_value(value) elif t in (float, np.float64, np.float): return cls.float_value(value) else: raise ValueError(f"Unsupported value of type {type(value)}: {value}")
[docs] @classmethod def from_value(cls, value: Union["JsValue", PythonType]): if isinstance(value, JsValue): return value else: return cls.from_python(value)
[docs] def is_undefined(self): return self.get_js_code() == "undefined"
[docs] @staticmethod def string_value(s: str): s = s.replace('"', r'\"') return JsValueLiteral(f'"{s}"')
[docs] @staticmethod def int_value(value: int): return JsValueLiteral(str(int(value)))
[docs] @staticmethod def float_value(value: Union[float, int]): return JsValueLiteral(str(float(value)))
[docs] @staticmethod def bool_value(value: bool): b = bool(value) return JsValueLiteral("true" if b else "false")
[docs] @staticmethod def undefined(): return JsValueLiteral("undefined")
[docs] @staticmethod def null(): return JsValueLiteral("null")
[docs]class JsValueLiteral(JsValue): def __init__(self, js_code: str): self.js_code = js_code
[docs] def get_js_code(self): return self.js_code
[docs]def js_value(value: Union[JsValue, PythonType]) -> JsValue: return JsValue.from_value(value)
[docs]def js_arg_list(*args: Union[JsValue, PythonType], drop_trailing_undefined=True) -> JsCode: """ :param args: arguments that are either JsValue instances or (supported) Python values :param drop_trailing_undefined: whether to drop trailing arguments that are undefined/None :return: the JsCode """ args = [js_value(a) for a in args] last_index_to_include = len(args) - 1 if drop_trailing_undefined: while last_index_to_include >= 0 and args[last_index_to_include].is_undefined(): last_index_to_include -= 1 args = args[:last_index_to_include+1] return JsCodeLiteral(", ".join(map(str, args)))
[docs]class JsObject(JsValue): def __init__(self): = {}
[docs] def add(self, key: str, value: Union[JsValue, PythonType]):[key] = js_value(value)
[docs] def add_string(self, key: str, value: str):[key] = JsValue.string_value(value)
[docs] def add_code_literal(self, key: str, value: str):[key] = value
[docs] def add_float(self, key: str, value: Union[float, int]):[key] = JsValue.float_value(value)
[docs] def add_json(self, key: str, value: Any): """ :param key: key within the object :param value: any Python object which can be converted to JSON """ self.add_code_literal(key, json.dumps(value))
[docs] def get_js_code(self): return "{" + ", ".join(f'"{k}": {v}' for k, v in + "}"
def __len__(self): return len(
[docs]class JsClassInstance(JsValueLiteral): def __init__(self, class_name, *args: Union[JsValue, PythonType]): arg_list = js_arg_list(*args, drop_trailing_undefined=False) super().__init__(f"new {class_name}({arg_list})")
[docs]class JsList(JsValueLiteral): def __init__(self, *values: Union[JsValue, PythonType]): super().__init__(list_string([js_value(x) for x in values]))