Source code for sensai.util.helper

This module contains various helper functions.
import math
from typing import Any, Sequence, Union, TypeVar, List, Optional, Dict, Container, Iterable, Tuple

T = TypeVar("T")

[docs]def count_none(*args: Any) -> int: """ Counts the number of arguments that are None :param args: various arguments :return: the number of arguments that are None """ c = 0 for a in args: if a is None: c += 1 return c
[docs]def count_not_none(*args: Any) -> int: """ Counts the number of arguments that are not None :param args: various arguments :return: the number of arguments that are not None """ return len(args) - count_none(*args)
[docs]def any_none(*args: Any) -> bool: """ :param args: various arguments :return: True if any of the arguments are None, False otherwise """ return count_none(*args) > 0
[docs]def all_none(*args: Any) -> bool: """ :param args: various arguments :return: True if all of the arguments are None, False otherwise """ return count_none(*args) == len(args)
[docs]def check_not_nan_dict(d: dict): """ Raises ValueError if any of the values in the given dictionary are NaN, reporting the respective keys :param d: a dictionary mapping to floats that are to be checked for NaN """ invalid_keys = [k for k, v in d.items() if math.isnan(v)] if len(invalid_keys) > 0: raise ValueError(f"Got one or more NaN values: {invalid_keys}")
[docs]def contains_any(container: Union[Container, Iterable], items: Sequence) -> bool: for item in items: if item in container: return True return False
# noinspection PyUnusedLocal
[docs]def mark_used(*args): """ Utility function to mark identifiers as used. The function does nothing. :param args: pass identifiers that shall be marked as used here """ pass
[docs]def flatten_arguments(args: Sequence[Union[T, Sequence[T]]]) -> List[T]: """ Main use case is to support both interfaces of the type f(T1, T2, ...) and f([T1, T2, ...]) simultaneously. It is assumed that if the latter form is passed, the arguments are either in a list or a tuple. Moreover, T cannot be a tuple or a list itself. Overall this function is not all too safe and one should be aware of what one is doing when using it """ result = [] for arg in args: if isinstance(arg, list) or isinstance(arg, tuple): result.extend(arg) else: result.append(arg) return result
[docs]def kwarg_if_not_none(arg_name: str, arg_value: Any) -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Supports the optional passing of a kwarg, returning a non-empty dictionary with the kwarg only if the value is not None. This can be helpful to improve backward compatibility for cases where a kwarg was added later but old implementations weren't updated to have it, such that an exception will be raised only if the kwarg is actually used. :param arg_name: the argument name :param arg_value: the value :return: a dictionary containing the kwarg or, if the value is None, an empty dictionary """ if arg_value is None: return {} else: return {arg_name: arg_value}
[docs]def flatten_dict(d: Dict[str, Any], sep: str = '.') -> Dict[str, Any]: """ Flatten a nested dictionary by concatenating nested keys with a separator. :param d: the dictionary to flatten :param sep: the separator to use in order to join the keys of nested dictionaries :return: a flattened dictionary """ def _flatten(d: Dict[str, Any], parent_key: str = '') -> List[Tuple[str, Any]]: items: List[Tuple[str, Any]] = [] for k, v in d.items(): new_key = f"{parent_key}{sep}{k}" if parent_key else k if isinstance(v, dict): items.extend(_flatten(v, new_key)) else: items.append((new_key, v)) return items return dict(_flatten(d))