Source code for sensai.util.aggregation

import collections
from typing import Hashable, Dict, Optional

from .string import ToStringMixin

[docs]class RelativeFrequencyCounter(ToStringMixin): """ Counts the absolute and relative frequency of an event """ def __init__(self): self.num_total = 0 self.num_relevant = 0
[docs] def count(self, is_relevant_event) -> None: """ Adds to the count. The nominator is incremented only if we are counting a relevant event. The denominator is always incremented. :param is_relevant_event: whether we are counting a relevant event """ self.num_total += 1 if is_relevant_event: self.num_relevant += 1
def _tostring_object_info(self): info = f"{self.num_relevant}/{self.num_total}" if self.num_total > 0: info += f", {100 * self.num_relevant / self.num_total:.2f}%" return info
[docs] def add(self, relative_frequency_counter: "RelativeFrequencyCounter") -> None: """ Adds the counts of the given counter to this object :param relative_frequency_counter: the counter whose data to add """ self.num_total += relative_frequency_counter.num_total self.num_relevant += relative_frequency_counter.num_relevant
[docs] def get_relative_frequency(self) -> Optional[float]: """ :return: the relative frequency (between 0 and 1) or None if nothing was counted (0 events considered) """ if self.num_total == 0: return None return self.num_relevant / self.num_total
[docs]class DistributionCounter(ToStringMixin): """ Supports the counting of the frequencies with which (mutually exclusive) events occur """ def __init__(self): self.counts = collections.defaultdict(self._zero) self.total_count = 0 @staticmethod def _zero(): return 0
[docs] def count(self, event: Hashable) -> None: """ Increments the count of the given event :param event: the event/key whose count to increment, which must be hashable """ self.total_count += 1 self.counts[event] += 1
[docs] def get_distribution(self) -> Dict[Hashable, float]: """ :return: a dictionary mapping events (as previously passed to count) to their relative frequencies """ return {k: v/self.total_count for k, v in self.counts.items()}
def _tostring_object_info(self): return ", ".join([f"{str(k)}: {v} ({v/self.total_count:.3f})" for k, v in self.counts.items()])
[docs]class WeightedMean(ToStringMixin): """ Computes a weighted mean of values """ def __init__(self): self.weighted_value_sum = 0 self.weight_sum = 0 def _tostring_object_info(self) -> str: return f"{self.weighted_value_sum / self.weight_sum}"
[docs] def add(self, value, weight=1) -> None: """ Adds the given value with the given weight to the calculation :param value: the value :param weight: the weight with which to consider the value """ self.weighted_value_sum += value * weight self.weight_sum += weight
[docs] def get_weighted_mean(self): """ :return: the weighted mean of all values that have been added """ return self.weighted_value_sum / self.weight_sum