Source code for sensai.tracking.mlflow_tracking

import re
from typing import Dict, Any, Optional

import mlflow
from matplotlib import pyplot as plt

from .tracking_base import TrackedExperiment, TrackingContext
from .. import VectorModelBase
from ..util import logging

[docs]class MLFlowTrackingContext(TrackingContext): def __init__(self, name: str, experiment: "MLFlowExperiment", run_id=None, description=""): super().__init__(name, experiment) if run_id is not None: run = mlflow.start_run(run_id) else: run = mlflow.start_run(run_name=name, description=description) = run self.log_handler: Optional[logging.MemoryStreamHandler] = None @staticmethod def _metric_name(name: str): result = re.sub(r"\[(.*?)\]", r"_\1", name) # replace "foo[bar]" with "foo_bar" result = re.sub(r"[^a-zA-Z0-9-_. /]+", "_", result) # replace sequences of unsupported chars with underscore return result def _track_metrics(self, metrics: Dict[str, float]): metrics = {self._metric_name(name): value for name, value in metrics.items()} mlflow.log_metrics(metrics)
[docs] def track_figure(self, name: str, fig: plt.Figure): mlflow.log_figure(fig, name + ".png")
[docs] def track_text(self, name: str, content: str): mlflow.log_text(content, name + ".txt")
[docs] def track_tag(self, tag_name: str, tag_value: str): mlflow.set_tag(tag_name, tag_value)
def _end(self): mlflow.end_run()
[docs]class MLFlowExperiment(TrackedExperiment[MLFlowTrackingContext]): def __init__(self, experiment_name: str, tracking_uri: str, additional_logging_values_dict=None, context_prefix: str = "", add_log_to_all_contexts=False): """ :param experiment_name: the name of the experiment, which should be the same for all models of the same kind (i.e. all models evaluated under the same conditions) :param tracking_uri: the URI of the server (if any); use "" to track in the local file system :param additional_logging_values_dict: :param context_prefix: a prefix to add to all contexts that are created within the experiment. This can be used to add an identifier of a certain execution/run, such that the actual context name passed to `begin_context` can be concise (e.g. just model name). :param add_log_to_all_contexts: whether to enable in-memory logging and add the respective log to each context """ mlflow.set_tracking_uri(tracking_uri) mlflow.set_experiment(experiment_name=experiment_name) super().__init__(context_prefix=context_prefix, additional_logging_values_dict=additional_logging_values_dict) self._run_name_to_id = {} self.add_log_to_all_contexts = add_log_to_all_contexts def _track_values(self, values_dict: Dict[str, Any]): with mlflow.start_run(): mlflow.log_metrics(values_dict) def _create_tracking_context(self, name: str, description: str) -> MLFlowTrackingContext: run_id = self._run_name_to_id.get(name) print(f"create {name}") context = MLFlowTrackingContext(name, self, run_id=run_id, description=description) self._run_name_to_id[name] = return context
[docs] def begin_context_for_model(self, model: VectorModelBase): context = super().begin_context_for_model(model) if self.add_log_to_all_contexts: context.log_handler = logging.add_memory_logger() context.track_tag("ModelClass", model.__class__.__name__) return context
[docs] def end_context(self, instance: MLFlowTrackingContext): print(f"end {instance}") if instance.log_handler is not None: instance.track_text("log", instance.log_handler.get_log()) super().end_context(instance)