import logging
from typing import Callable, Optional, Sequence, Union
import torch.nn.functional
from .mlp_modules import MultiLayerPerceptron
from ...torch_base import VectorTorchModel, TorchVectorRegressionModel, TorchVectorClassificationModel, ClassificationOutputMode
from ...torch_enums import ActivationFunction
from ...torch_opt import NNOptimiserParams
from .... import NormalisationMode
log: logging.Logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
[docs]class MultiLayerPerceptronTorchModel(VectorTorchModel):
def __init__(self,
cuda: bool,
hidden_dims: Sequence[int],
hid_activation_function: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor],
output_activation_function: Optional[Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]],
p_dropout: Optional[float] = None,
input_dim: Optional[int] = None) -> None:
:param cuda: whether to enable CUDA
:param hidden_dims: the sequence of hidden layer dimensions
:param hid_activation_function: the output activation function for hidden layers
:param output_activation_function: the output activation function
:param p_dropout: the dropout probability for training
:param input_dim: the input dimension; if None, use dimensions determined by the input data (number of columns in data frame)
self.hidActivationFunction = ActivationFunction.torch_function_from_any(hid_activation_function)
self.outputActivationFunction = ActivationFunction.torch_function_from_any(output_activation_function)
self.hiddenDims = hidden_dims
self.pDropout = p_dropout
self.overrideInputDim = input_dim
[docs] def create_torch_module_for_dims(self, input_dim: int, output_dim: int) -> torch.nn.Module:
return MultiLayerPerceptron(input_dim if self.overrideInputDim is None else self.overrideInputDim, output_dim, self.hiddenDims,
hid_activation_fn=self.hidActivationFunction, output_activation_fn=self.outputActivationFunction,
[docs]class MultiLayerPerceptronVectorRegressionModel(TorchVectorRegressionModel):
def __init__(self,
hidden_dims: Sequence[int] = (5, 5),
hid_activation_function: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] = torch.sigmoid,
output_activation_function: Optional[Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor]] = None,
input_dim: Optional[int] = None,
normalisation_mode: NormalisationMode = NormalisationMode.NONE,
cuda: bool = True,
p_dropout: Optional[float] = None,
nn_optimiser_params: Optional[NNOptimiserParams] = None) -> None:
:param hidden_dims: sequence containing the number of neurons to use in hidden layers
:param hid_activation_function: the activation function (torch.nn.functional.* or torch.*) to use for all hidden layers
:param output_activation_function: the output activation function (torch.nn.functional.* or torch.* or None)
:param input_dim: the input dimension; if None, use dimensions determined by the input data (number of columns in data frame)
:param normalisation_mode: the normalisation mode to apply to input and output data
:param cuda: whether to use CUDA (GPU acceleration)
:param p_dropout: the probability with which to apply dropouts after each hidden layer
:param nn_optimiser_params: parameters for NNOptimiser; if None, use default (or what is specified in nnOptimiserDictParams)
self.hidden_dims = hidden_dims
self.hid_activation_function = hid_activation_function
self.output_activation_function = output_activation_function
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.cuda = cuda
self.p_dropout = p_dropout
super().__init__(self._create_torch_model, normalisation_mode, nn_optimiser_params)
def _create_torch_model(self) -> MultiLayerPerceptronTorchModel:
return MultiLayerPerceptronTorchModel(self.cuda, self.hidden_dims, self.hid_activation_function, self.output_activation_function,
p_dropout=self.p_dropout, input_dim=self.input_dim)
[docs]class MultiLayerPerceptronVectorClassificationModel(TorchVectorClassificationModel):
def __init__(self,
hidden_dims: Sequence[int] = (5, 5),
hid_activation_function: Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor] = torch.sigmoid,
output_activation_function: Optional[Union[Callable[[torch.Tensor], torch.Tensor], str, ActivationFunction]] =
input_dim: Optional[int] = None,
normalisation_mode: NormalisationMode = NormalisationMode.NONE, cuda: bool = True,
p_dropout: Optional[float] = None,
nn_optimiser_params: Optional[NNOptimiserParams] = None) -> None:
:param hidden_dims: sequence containing the number of neurons to use in hidden layers
:param hid_activation_function: the activation function (torch.nn.functional.* or torch.*) to use for all hidden layers
:param output_activation_function: the output activation function (function from torch.nn.functional.*, function name, enum instance or None)
:param input_dim: the input dimension; if None, use dimensions determined by the input data (number of columns in data frame)
:param normalisation_mode: the normalisation mode to apply to input and output data
:param cuda: whether to use CUDA (GPU acceleration)
:param p_dropout: the probability with which to apply dropouts after each hidden layer
:param nn_optimiser_params: parameters for NNOptimiser; if None, use default
self.hidden_dims = hidden_dims
self.hid_activation_function = hid_activation_function
self.output_activation_function = output_activation_function
self.input_dim = input_dim
self.cuda = cuda
self.p_dropout = p_dropout
output_mode = ClassificationOutputMode.for_activation_fn(ActivationFunction.torch_function_from_any(output_activation_function))
def _create_torch_model(self) -> MultiLayerPerceptronTorchModel:
return MultiLayerPerceptronTorchModel(self.cuda, self.hidden_dims, self.hid_activation_function, self.output_activation_function,
p_dropout=self.p_dropout, input_dim=self.input_dim)