Source code for sensai.normalisation

from enum import Enum
from typing import Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
import sklearn.preprocessing

from .util.dtype import to_float_array

[docs]class NormalisationMode(Enum): NONE = "none" MAX_ALL = "max_all" MAX_BY_COLUMN = "max_by_column" STANDARDISED = "standardised"
[docs]class VectorDataScaler: def __init__(self, data_frame: pd.DataFrame, normalisation_mode: NormalisationMode): self.normalisation_mode = normalisation_mode self.scale, self.translate = self._compute_scaling_params(data_frame.values, normalisation_mode) self.dimension_names = list(data_frame.columns) @classmethod def _compute_scaling_params(cls, raw_array: np.ndarray, normalisation_mode: NormalisationMode): """ :param raw_array: numpy array containing raw data :param normalisation_mode: the normalization mode (0=none, 1=by maximum in entire data set, 2=by separate maximum in each column) """ translate = None scale = None if normalisation_mode != NormalisationMode.NONE: if len(raw_array.shape) != 2: raise ValueError(f"Only 2D arrays are supported by {cls.__name__} with mode {normalisation_mode}") dim = raw_array.shape[1] if normalisation_mode == NormalisationMode.MAX_ALL: scale = np.ones(dim) * np.max(np.abs(raw_array)) elif normalisation_mode == NormalisationMode.MAX_BY_COLUMN: scale = np.ones(dim) for i in range(dim): scale[i] = np.max(np.abs(raw_array[:, i])) elif normalisation_mode == NormalisationMode.STANDARDISED: standardScaler = sklearn.preprocessing.StandardScaler() translate = standardScaler.mean_ scale = standardScaler.scale_ else: raise Exception("Unknown normalization mode") return scale, translate @staticmethod def _array(data: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]): return to_float_array(data)
[docs] def get_normalised_array(self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: result = self._array(data) if self.translate is not None: result = result - self.translate if self.scale is not None: result = result / self.scale return result
[docs] def get_denormalised_array(self, data: Union[pd.DataFrame, np.ndarray]) -> np.ndarray: result = self._array(data) if self.scale is not None: result = result * self.scale if self.translate is not None: result = result + self.translate return result