Source code for sensai.minizinc

from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
import logging
import math
import os
import re
import subprocess
import tempfile
import time
from typing import List

import numpy as np

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class CostScaler: """ Serves to scale floats and converts them into integers (and vice versa) whilst maintaining decimal precision """ def __init__(self, cost_values: List[float], significant_digits: int): """ Parameters: cost_values: the sequence of cost values whose precision should be maintained in the int realm significant_digits: the number of significant digits that shall at least be maintained """ exp10 = significant_digits - 1 - min([0] + [np.floor(np.log10(v)) for v in cost_values]) self.scalingFactor = math.pow(10, exp10)
[docs] def scaled_int(self, original_value: float) -> int: """Returns the scaled value as an integer""" return int(round(original_value * self.scalingFactor))
[docs] def scaled_float(self, original_value: float) -> float: return original_value * self.scalingFactor
[docs] def original_value(self, scaled_value: float) -> float: """Returns the original unscaled value from a scaled value""" return scaled_value / self.scalingFactor
def __str__(self): return "CostScaler[factor=%d]" % self.scalingFactor
[docs]class MiniZincProblem(ABC):
[docs] def create_mini_zinc_file(self, f): """ Writes MiniZinc code :param f: an OS-level handle to an open file """ os.write(f, bytes(self.get_mini_zinc_code(), 'utf-8'))
[docs] @abstractmethod def get_mini_zinc_code(self): pass
[docs]class MiniZincSolver(object): log = log.getChild(__qualname__) def __init__(self, name='OSICBC', solver_time_seconds=None, fzn_output_path=None): """ :param name: name of solver compatible with miniZinc :param solver_time_seconds: upper time limit for solver in seconds :param fzn_output_path: flatZinc output path """ self.solver_name = name self.solver_time_limit_secs = solver_time_seconds self.fzn_output_path = fzn_output_path self.last_solver_time_secs = None self.last_solver_output = None self.lastSolverErrOutput = None def __str(self): return f"MiniZincSolver[{self.solver_name}]"
[docs] def solve_path(self, mzn_path: str, log_info=True) -> str: """ Solves the MiniZinc problem stored at the given file path :param mzn_path: path to file containing MiniZinc problem code :param log_info: whether to log solver output at INFO level rather than DEBUG level :return: the solver output """ self.last_solver_time_secs = None log_solver = if log_info else self.log.debug args = ["--statistics", "--solver", self.solver_name] if self.solver_time_limit_secs is not None: args.append("--time-limit") args.append(str(self.solver_time_limit_secs * 1000)) if self.fzn_output_path is not None: args.append("--output-fzn-to-file") args.append(self.fzn_output_path) args.append(mzn_path) command = "minizinc " + " ".join(args)"Running %s" % command) start_time = time.time() proc = subprocess.Popen(command, shell=True, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.STDOUT) output = [] while True: line = proc.stdout.readline().decode("utf-8") if not line: break output.append(line) log_solver("Solver output: %s" % line.rstrip()) output = "".join(output) proc.wait() if proc.returncode != 0: raise Exception(f"MiniZinc call failed with return code {proc.returncode}; output: {output}") self.last_solver_time_secs = time.time() - start_time self.last_solver_output = output"Solver time: %.1fs" % self.last_solver_time_secs) return output
[docs] def solve_problem(self, problem: MiniZincProblem, keep_temp_file=False, log_info=True) -> str: """ Solves the given MiniZinc problem :param problem: the problem to solve :param keep_temp_file: whether to keep the temporary .mzv file :param log_info: whether to log solver output at INFO level rather than DEBUG level :return: the solver output """ f, path = tempfile.mkstemp(".mzn") try: try: problem.create_mini_zinc_file(f) finally: os.close(f) return self.solve_path(path, log_info=log_info) finally: if not keep_temp_file: os.unlink(path)
[docs] def get_last_solver_time_secs(self): return self.last_solver_time_secs
[docs]def extract_1d_array_from_output(string_identifier: str, output: str) -> List: regexOutput ='{stringIdentifier} = array1d\(\d+\.\.\d+, (\[.*?\])'.format(stringIdentifier=string_identifier), output) return eval(
[docs]def extract_multi_dim_array_from_output(string_identifier: str, dim: int, output: str, boolean=False) -> np.array: dim_regex = r"1..(\d+), " regex = r'{stringIdentifier} = array{dim}d\({dimsRegex}(\[.*?\])'.format(stringIdentifier=string_identifier, dim=dim, dimsRegex=dim_regex*dim) match =, output) if match is None: raise Exception("No match found for regex: %s" % regex) shape = [int( for i in range(1, dim+1)] flat_list = if boolean: flat_list = flat_list.replace("false", "0").replace("true", "1") flat_list = eval(flat_list) array1d = np.array(flat_list) arraymd = array1d.reshape(shape) return arraymd
[docs]def array_to_mini_zinc(a: np.array, element_cast): shape = a.shape dims = ", ".join([f"1..{n}" for n in shape]) values = str(list(map(element_cast, a.flatten()))) return f"array{len(shape)}d({dims}, {values})"