Source code for sensai.geoanalytics.geopandas.graph

import networkx as nx
import numpy as np
import scipy
from itertools import combinations
from scipy.spatial.distance import euclidean
from typing import Callable, Dict
from shapely.geometry import MultiLineString
import geopandas as gp

from .coordinates import extract_coordinates_array, GeoDataFrameWrapper

[docs]def delaunay_graph(data: np.ndarray, edge_weight: Callable[[np.ndarray, np.ndarray], float] = euclidean): """ The Delaunay triangulation of the data as networkx.Graph :param data: :param edge_weight: function to compute weight given two coordinate points :return: instance of networx.Graph where the edges contain additional datapoints entries for "weight" and for constants.COORDINATE_PAIR_KEY """ tri = scipy.spatial.Delaunay(data) graph = nx.Graph() for simplex in tri.simplices: for vertex_id_pair in combinations(simplex, 2): coordinate_pair = tri.points[ np.array(vertex_id_pair)] # vertex_id_pair is a tuple and needs to be cast to an array graph.add_edge(*vertex_id_pair, weight=edge_weight(*coordinate_pair)) return graph
[docs]class SpanningTree: """ Wrapper around a tree-finding algorithm that will be applied on the Delaunay graph of the datapoints """ def __init__(self, datapoints: np.ndarray, tree_finder: Callable[[nx.Graph], nx.Graph] = nx.minimum_spanning_tree): """ :param datapoints: :param tree_finder: function mapping a graph to a subgraph. The default is minimum_spanning_tree """ datapoints = extract_coordinates_array(datapoints) self.tree = tree_finder(delaunay_graph(datapoints)) edge_weights = [] self.coordinatePairs = [] for edge in edge_coordinate_indices, edge_data = [edge[0], edge[1]], edge[2] edge_weights.append(edge_data["weight"]) self.coordinatePairs.append(datapoints[edge_coordinate_indices]) self.edgeWeights = np.array(edge_weights)
[docs] def total_weight(self): return self.edgeWeights.sum()
[docs] def num_edges(self): return len(self.tree.edges)
[docs] def mean_edge_weight(self): return self.edgeWeights.mean()
[docs] def summary_dict(self) -> Dict[str, float]: """ Dictionary containing coarse information about the tree """ return { "numEdges": self.num_edges(), "totalWeight": self.total_weight(), "meanEdgeWeight": self.mean_edge_weight() }
[docs]class CoordinateSpanningTree(SpanningTree, GeoDataFrameWrapper): """ Wrapper around a tree-finding algorithm that will be applied on the Delaunay graph of the coordinates. Enhances the :class:`SpanningTree` class by adding methods and validation specific to geospatial coordinates. """ def __init__(self, datapoints: np.ndarray, tree_finder: Callable[[nx.Graph], nx.Graph] = nx.minimum_spanning_tree): datapoints = extract_coordinates_array(datapoints) super().__init__(datapoints, tree_finder=tree_finder)
[docs] def multi_line_string(self): return MultiLineString(self.coordinatePairs)
[docs] def to_geodf(self, crs='epsg:3857'): """ :param crs: projection. By default pseudo-mercator :return: GeoDataFrame of length 1 with the tree as MultiLineString instance """ gdf = gp.GeoDataFrame({"geometry": [self.multi_line_string()]}) = crs return gdf