Source code for sensai.geoanalytics.geopandas.coordinates

import geopandas as gp
import numpy as np
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from shapely.geometry import MultiPoint
from typing import Union

from ...clustering import EuclideanClusterer

TCoordinates = Union[np.ndarray, MultiPoint, gp.GeoDataFrame, EuclideanClusterer.Cluster]

[docs]def validate_coordinates(coordinates: np.ndarray): # for the moment we only support 2-dim coordinates. We can adjust it in the future when needed if not len(coordinates.shape) == 2 or coordinates.shape[1] != 2: raise Exception(f"Coordinates must be of shape (n, 2), instead got: {coordinates.shape}")
[docs]def extract_coordinates_array(coordinates: TCoordinates) -> np.ndarray: """ Extract coordinates as numpy array """ if isinstance(coordinates, gp.GeoDataFrame): try: coordinates = np.array(MultiPoint(list(coordinates.geometry))) except Exception: raise ValueError(f"Could not extract coordinates from GeoDataFrame. " f"Is the geometry column a sequence of Points?") elif isinstance(coordinates, MultiPoint): coordinates = np.array(coordinates) elif isinstance(coordinates, EuclideanClusterer.Cluster): coordinates = coordinates.datapoints validate_coordinates(coordinates) return coordinates
[docs]class GeoDataFrameWrapper(ABC):
[docs] @abstractmethod def to_geodf(self, *args, **kwargs) -> gp.GeoDataFrame: pass
[docs] def plot(self, *args, **kwargs): self.to_geodf().plot(*args, **kwargs)