Source code for sensai.distance_metric

import logging
import math
import os
from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
from typing import Generic, Sequence, Tuple, List, Union

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd

from .util import cache
from .util.cache import DelayedUpdateHook, TValue
from .util.string import object_repr
from .util.typing import PandasNamedTuple

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class DistanceMetric(ABC): """ Abstract base class for (symmetric) distance metrics """
[docs] @abstractmethod def distance(self, named_tuple_a: PandasNamedTuple, named_tuple_b: PandasNamedTuple) -> float: pass
@abstractmethod def __str__(self): super().__str__()
[docs]class SingleColumnDistanceMetric(DistanceMetric, ABC): def __init__(self, column: str): self.column = column @abstractmethod def _distance(self, value_a, value_b) -> float: pass
[docs] def distance(self, named_tuple_a: PandasNamedTuple, named_tuple_b: PandasNamedTuple): value_a, value_b = getattr(named_tuple_a, self.column), getattr(named_tuple_b, self.column) return self._distance(value_a, value_b)
[docs]class DistanceMatrixDFCache(cache.PersistentKeyValueCache[Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]], TValue], Generic[TValue]): """A cache for distance matrices, which are stored as dataframes with identifiers as both index and columns""" def __init__(self, pickle_path: str, save_on_update: bool = True, deferred_save_delay_secs: float = 1.0): self.deferred_save_delay_secs = deferred_save_delay_secs self.save_on_update = save_on_update self.pickle_path = pickle_path if os.path.exists(self.pickle_path): self.distance_df = pd.read_pickle(self.pickle_path)"Successfully loaded dataframe of shape {self.shape()} from cache. " f"There are {self.num_unfilled_entries()} unfilled entries") else:"No cached distance dataframe found in {pickle_path}") self.distance_df = pd.DataFrame() self.cached_id_to_pos_dict = {identifier: pos for pos, identifier in enumerate(self.distance_df.index)} self._update_hook = DelayedUpdateHook(, deferred_save_delay_secs)
[docs] def shape(self): n_entries = len(self.distance_df) return n_entries, n_entries
@staticmethod def _assert_tuple(key): assert isinstance(key, tuple) and len(key) == 2, f"Expected a tuple of two identifiers, instead got {key}"
[docs] def set(self, key: Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]], value: TValue): self._assert_tuple(key) for identifier in key: if identifier not in self.distance_df.columns:"Adding new column and row for identifier {identifier}") self.distance_df[identifier] = np.nan self.distance_df.loc[identifier] = np.nan i1, i2 = key log.debug(f"Adding distance value for identifiers {i1}, {i2}") self.distance_df.loc[i1, i2] = self.distance_df.loc[i2, i1] = value if self.save_on_update: self._update_hook.handle_update()
[docs] def save(self):"Saving new distance matrix to {self.pickle_path}") os.makedirs(os.path.dirname(self.pickle_path), exist_ok=True) self.distance_df.to_pickle(self.pickle_path)
[docs] def get(self, key: Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]]) -> TValue: self._assert_tuple(key) i1, i2 = key try: pos1, pos2 = self.cached_id_to_pos_dict[i1], self.cached_id_to_pos_dict[i2] except KeyError: return None result = self.distance_df.iloc[pos1, pos2] if np.isnan(result): return None return result
[docs] def num_unfilled_entries(self): return self.distance_df.isnull().sum().sum()
[docs] def get_all_cached(self, identifier: Union[str, int]): return self.distance_df[[identifier]]
[docs]class CachedDistanceMetric(DistanceMetric, cache.CachedValueProviderMixin): """ A decorator which provides caching for a distance metric, i.e. the metric is computed only if the value for the given pair of identifiers is not found within the persistent cache """ def __init__(self, distance_metric: DistanceMetric, key_value_cache: cache.KeyValueCache, persist_cache=False): cache.CachedValueProviderMixin.__init__(self, key_value_cache, persist_cache=persist_cache) self.metric = distance_metric def __getstate__(self): return cache.CachedValueProviderMixin.__getstate__(self)
[docs] def distance(self, named_tuple_a, named_tuple_b): id_a, id_b = named_tuple_a.Index, named_tuple_b.Index if id_b < id_a: id_a, id_b, named_tuple_a, named_tuple_b = id_b, id_a, named_tuple_b, named_tuple_a return self._provide_value((id_a, id_b), (named_tuple_a, named_tuple_b))
def _compute_value(self, key: Tuple[Union[str, int], Union[str, int]], data: Tuple[PandasNamedTuple, PandasNamedTuple]): value_a, value_b = data return self.metric.distance(value_a, value_b)
[docs] def fill_cache(self, df_indexed_by_id: pd.DataFrame): """ Fill cache for all identifiers in the provided dataframe Args: df_indexed_by_id: Dataframe that is indexed by identifiers of the members """ for position, valueA in enumerate(df_indexed_by_id.itertuples()): if position % 10 == 0:"Processed {round(100 * position / len(df_indexed_by_id), 2)}%") for valueB in df_indexed_by_id[position + 1:].itertuples(): self.distance(valueA, valueB)
def __str__(self): return str(self.metric)
[docs]class LinearCombinationDistanceMetric(DistanceMetric): def __init__(self, metrics: Sequence[Tuple[float, DistanceMetric]]): """ :param metrics: a sequence of tuples (weight, distance metric) """ self.metrics = [(w, m) for (w, m) in metrics if w != 0] if len(self.metrics) == 0: raise ValueError(f"List of metrics is empty after removing all 0-weight metrics; passed {metrics}")
[docs] def distance(self, named_tuple_a, named_tuple_b): value = 0 for weight, metric in self.metrics: value += metric.distance(named_tuple_a, named_tuple_b) * weight return value
def __str__(self): return f"Linear combination of {[(weight, str(metric)) for weight, metric in self.metrics]}"
[docs]class HellingerDistanceMetric(SingleColumnDistanceMetric): _SQRT2 = np.sqrt(2) def __init__(self, column: str, check_input=False): super().__init__(column) self.check_input = check_input def __str__(self): return object_repr(self, ["column"]) def _check_input_value(self, input_value): if not isinstance(input_value, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"Expected to find numpy arrays in {self.column}") if not math.isclose(input_value.sum(), 1): raise ValueError(f"The entries in {self.column} have to sum to 1") if not all((input_value >= 0) * (input_value <= 1)): raise ValueError(f"The entries in {self.column} have to be in the range [0, 1]") def _distance(self, value_a, value_b): if self.check_input: self._check_input_value(value_a) self._check_input_value(value_b) return np.linalg.norm(np.sqrt(value_a) - np.sqrt(value_b)) / self._SQRT2
[docs]class EuclideanDistanceMetric(SingleColumnDistanceMetric): def __init__(self, column: str): super().__init__(column) def _distance(self, value_a, value_b): return np.linalg.norm(value_a - value_b) def __str__(self): return object_repr(self, ["column"])
[docs]class IdentityDistanceMetric(DistanceMetric): def __init__(self, keys: Union[str, List[str]]): if not isinstance(keys, list): keys = [keys] assert keys != [], "At least one key has to be provided" self.keys = keys
[docs] def distance(self, named_tuple_a, named_tuple_b): for key in self.keys: if getattr(named_tuple_a, key) != getattr(named_tuple_b, key): return 1 return 0
def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__} based on keys: {self.keys}"
[docs]class RelativeBitwiseEqualityDistanceMetric(SingleColumnDistanceMetric): def __init__(self, column: str, check_input=False): super().__init__(column) self.check_input = check_input
[docs] def check_input_value(self, input_value): if not isinstance(input_value, np.ndarray): raise ValueError(f"Expected to find numpy arrays in {self.column}") if not len(input_value.shape) == 1: raise ValueError(f"The input array should be of shape (n,)") if not set(input_value).issubset({0, 1}): raise ValueError("The input array should only have entries in {0, 1}")
def _distance(self, value_a, value_b): if self.check_input: self.check_input_value(value_a) self.check_input_value(value_b) denom = np.count_nonzero(value_a + value_b) if denom == 0: return 0 else: return, value_b)/denom def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__} for column {self.column}"