Source code for sensai.clustering.sklearn_clustering

import numpy as np
from typing_extensions import Protocol

from . import EuclideanClusterer

[docs]class SkLearnClustererProtocol(Protocol): """ Only used for type hints, do not instantiate """
[docs] def fit(self, x: np.ndarray): ...
labels_: np.ndarray
[docs]class SkLearnEuclideanClusterer(EuclideanClusterer): """ Wrapper around an sklearn-type clustering algorithm :param clusterer: a clusterer object compatible the sklearn API :param noise_label: label that is associated with the noise cluster or None :param min_cluster_size: if not None, clusters below this size will be labeled as noise :param max_cluster_size: if not None, clusters above this size will be labeled as noise """ def __init__(self, clusterer: SkLearnClustererProtocol, noise_label=-1, min_cluster_size: int = None, max_cluster_size: int = None): super().__init__(noise_label=noise_label, min_cluster_size=min_cluster_size, max_cluster_size=max_cluster_size) self.clusterer = clusterer def _compute_labels(self, x: np.ndarray): return self.clusterer.labels_ def __str__(self): return f"{super().__str__()}_{self.clusterer.__class__.__name__}"