Source code for sensai.clustering.clustering_base

import logging
from abc import ABC, abstractmethod
from typing import Union, Set, Callable, Iterable, Optional

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.spatial import distance_matrix

from ..util.cache import PickleLoadSaveMixin

log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# TODO at some point in the future: generalize to other input and deal with algorithms that allow prediction of labels
[docs]class EuclideanClusterer(PickleLoadSaveMixin, ABC): """ Base class for all clustering algorithms. Supports noise clusters and relabelling of identified clusters as noise based on their size. :param noise_label: label that is associated with the noise cluster or None :param min_cluster_size: if not None, clusters below this size will be labeled as noise :param max_cluster_size: if not None, clusters above this size will be labeled as noise """ def __init__(self, noise_label=-1, min_cluster_size: int = None, max_cluster_size: int = None): self._datapoints: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self._labels: Optional[np.ndarray] = None self._clusterIdentifiers: Optional[Set[int]] = None self._nonNoiseClusterIdentifiers: Optional[Set[int]] = None if min_cluster_size is not None or max_cluster_size is not None: if noise_label is None: raise ValueError("the noise label has to be not None for non-trivial bounds on cluster sizes") self.noiseLabel = noise_label self.maxClusterSize = max_cluster_size if max_cluster_size is not None else np.inf self.minClusterSize = min_cluster_size if min_cluster_size is not None else -np.inf self._clusterDict = {} self._numClusters: Optional[int] = None
[docs] class Cluster: def __init__(self, datapoints: np.ndarray, identifier: Union[int, str]): self.datapoints = datapoints self.identifier = identifier self._radius: Optional[float] = None self._centroid: Optional[np.ndarray] = None def __len__(self): return len(self.datapoints) def __str__(self): return f"{self.__class__.__name__}_{self.identifier}" def _compute_radius(self): return np.max(distance_matrix([self.centroid()], self.datapoints)) def _compute_centroid(self): return np.mean(self.datapoints, axis=0)
[docs] def centroid(self): if self._centroid is None: self._centroid = self._compute_centroid() return self._centroid
[docs] def radius(self): if self._radius is None: self._radius = self._compute_radius() return self._radius
[docs] def summary_dict(self): """ :return: dictionary containing coarse information about the cluster (e.g. num_members and centroid) """ return { "identifier": self.identifier, "centroid": self.centroid(), "numMembers": len(self), "radius": self.radius() }
@classmethod def __str__(cls): return cls.__name__
[docs] def clusters(self, condition: Callable[[Cluster], bool] = None) -> Iterable[Cluster]: """ :param condition: if provided, only clusters fulfilling the condition will be included :return: generator of clusters """ percentage_to_log = 0 for i, clusterId in enumerate(self._nonNoiseClusterIdentifiers): # logging process through the loop percentage_generated = int(100 * i / self.num_clusters) if percentage_generated == percentage_to_log:"Processed {percentage_to_log}% of clusters") percentage_to_log += 5 cluster = self.get_cluster(clusterId) if condition is None or condition(cluster): yield cluster
[docs] def noise_cluster(self): if self.noiseLabel is None: raise NotImplementedError(f"The algorithm {self} does not provide a noise cluster") return self.get_cluster(self.noiseLabel)
[docs] def summary_df(self, condition: Callable[[Cluster], bool] = None): """ :param condition: if provided, only clusters fulfilling the condition will be included :return: pandas DataFrame containing coarse information about the clusters """ summary_dicts = [cluster.summary_dict() for cluster in self.clusters(condition=condition)] return pd.DataFrame(summary_dicts).set_index("identifier", drop=True)
[docs] def fit(self, data: np.ndarray) -> None:"Fitting {self} to {len(data)} coordinate datapoints.") labels = self._compute_labels(data) if len(labels) != len(data): raise Exception(f"Bad Implementation: number of labels does not match number of datapoints") # Relabel clusters that do not fulfill size bounds as noise if self.minClusterSize != -np.inf or self.maxClusterSize != np.inf: for clusterId, clusterSize in zip(*np.unique(labels, return_counts=True)): if not self.minClusterSize <= clusterSize <= self.maxClusterSize: labels[labels == clusterId] = self.noiseLabel self._datapoints = data self._clusterIdentifiers = set(labels) self._labels = labels if self.noiseLabel is not None: self._nonNoiseClusterIdentifiers = self._clusterIdentifiers.difference({self.noiseLabel})"{self} found {self.num_clusters} clusters")
@property def is_fitted(self): return self._datapoints is not None @property def datapoints(self) -> np.ndarray: assert self.is_fitted return self._datapoints @property def labels(self) -> np.ndarray: assert self.is_fitted return self._labels @property def cluster_identifiers(self) -> Set[int]: assert self.is_fitted return self._clusterIdentifiers # unfortunately, there seems to be no way to annotate the return type correctly #
[docs] def get_cluster(self, cluster_id: int) -> Cluster: if cluster_id not in self.labels: raise KeyError(f"no cluster for id {cluster_id}") result = self._clusterDict.get(cluster_id) if result is None: result = self.Cluster(self.datapoints[self.labels == cluster_id], identifier=cluster_id) self._clusterDict[cluster_id] = result return result
@property def num_clusters(self) -> int: return len(self._nonNoiseClusterIdentifiers) @abstractmethod def _compute_labels(self, x: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray: """ Fit the clustering model and return an array of integer cluster labels :param x: the datapoints :return: list of the same length as the input datapoints; it represents the mapping coordinate -> cluster_id """ pass