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1import logging
2from abc import abstractmethod, ABC
3from typing import List, Sequence, Optional
5import numpy as np
6from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
7from matplotlib.colors import LinearSegmentedColormap
8from sklearn.metrics import mean_squared_error, mean_absolute_error, r2_score
10from . import BinaryClassificationMetric
11from .eval_stats_base import PredictionEvalStats, Metric, EvalStatsCollection, PredictionArray, EvalStatsPlot, Array
12from ...util import kwarg_if_not_none
13from ...util.plot import HistogramPlot
14from ...vector_model import VectorRegressionModel, InputOutputData
16log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
19class RegressionMetric(Metric["RegressionEvalStats"], ABC):
20 def compute_value_for_eval_stats(self, eval_stats: "RegressionEvalStats"):
21 weights = np.array(eval_stats.weights) if eval_stats.weights is not None else None
22 return self.compute_value(np.array(eval_stats.y_true), np.array(eval_stats.y_predicted),
23 model=eval_stats.model,
24 io_data=eval_stats.ioData,
25 **kwarg_if_not_none("weights", weights))
27 @abstractmethod
28 def compute_value(self, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray,
29 model: VectorRegressionModel = None,
30 io_data: InputOutputData = None,
31 weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
32 pass
34 @classmethod
35 def compute_errors(cls, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray):
36 return y_predicted - y_true
38 @classmethod
39 def compute_abs_errors(cls, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray):
40 return np.abs(cls.compute_errors(y_true, y_predicted))
43class RegressionMetricMAE(RegressionMetric):
44 name = "MAE"
46 def compute_value(self, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray, model: VectorRegressionModel = None,
47 io_data: InputOutputData = None, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
48 return mean_absolute_error(y_true, y_predicted, sample_weight=weights)
51class RegressionMetricMSE(RegressionMetric):
52 name = "MSE"
54 def compute_value(self, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray, model: VectorRegressionModel = None,
55 io_data: InputOutputData = None, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
56 return mean_squared_error(y_true, y_predicted, sample_weight=weights)
59class RegressionMetricRMSE(RegressionMetric):
60 name = "RMSE"
62 def compute_value(self, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray, model: VectorRegressionModel = None,
63 io_data: InputOutputData = None, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
64 return np.sqrt(mean_squared_error(y_true, y_predicted, sample_weight=weights))
67class RegressionMetricRRSE(RegressionMetric):
68 name = "RRSE"
70 def compute_value(self, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray, model: VectorRegressionModel = None,
71 io_data: InputOutputData = None, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
72 r2 = r2_score(y_true, y_predicted, sample_weight=weights)
73 return np.sqrt(1 - r2)
76class RegressionMetricR2(RegressionMetric):
77 name = "R2"
79 def compute_value(self, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray, model: VectorRegressionModel = None,
80 io_data: InputOutputData = None, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
81 return r2_score(y_true, y_predicted, sample_weight=weights)
84class RegressionMetricPCC(RegressionMetric):
85 """
86 Pearson's correlation coefficient, aka Pearson's R.
87 This metric does not consider sample weights.
88 """
89 name = "PCC"
91 def compute_value(self, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray, model: VectorRegressionModel = None,
92 io_data: InputOutputData = None, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
93 cov = np.cov([y_true, y_predicted])
94 return cov[0][1] / np.sqrt(cov[0][0] * cov[1][1])
97class RegressionMetricStdDevAE(RegressionMetric):
98 """
99 The standard deviation of the absolute error.
100 This metric does not consider sample weights.
101 """
103 name = "StdDevAE"
105 def compute_value(self, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray, model: VectorRegressionModel = None,
106 io_data: InputOutputData = None, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
107 return np.std(self.compute_abs_errors(y_true, y_predicted))
110class RegressionMetricMedianAE(RegressionMetric):
111 """
112 The median absolute error.
113 This metric does not consider sample weights.
114 """
115 name = "MedianAE"
117 def compute_value(self, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray, model: VectorRegressionModel = None,
118 io_data: InputOutputData = None, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
119 return np.median(self.compute_abs_errors(y_true, y_predicted))
122class RegressionMetricFromBinaryClassificationMetric(RegressionMetric):
123 """
124 Supports the computation of binary classification metrics by converting predicted/target values to class labels.
125 This metric does not consider sample weights.
126 """
128 class ClassGenerator(ABC):
129 @abstractmethod
130 def compute_class(self, predicted_value: float) -> bool:
131 """
132 Computes the class from the given value
134 :param predicted_value: the value predicted by the regressor or regressor target value
135 :return: the class
136 """
137 pass
139 @abstractmethod
140 def get_metric_qualifier(self) -> str:
141 """
142 :return: A (short) string which will be added to the original classification metric's name to
143 represent the class conversion logic
144 """
145 pass
147 class ClassGeneratorPositiveBeyond(ClassGenerator):
148 def __init__(self, min_value_for_positive: float):
149 self.min_value_for_positive = min_value_for_positive
151 def compute_class(self, predicted_value: float) -> bool:
152 return predicted_value >= self.min_value_for_positive
154 def get_metric_qualifier(self) -> str:
155 return f">={self.min_value_for_positive}"
157 def __init__(self, classification_metric: BinaryClassificationMetric,
158 class_generator: ClassGenerator):
159 """
160 :param classification_metric: the classification metric (which shall consider `True` as the positive label)
161 :param class_generator: the class generator, which generates `True` and `False` labels from regression values
162 """
163 super().__init__( + f"[{class_generator.get_metric_qualifier()}]",
164 bounds=classification_metric.bounds)
165 self.classification_metric = classification_metric
166 self.class_generator = class_generator
168 def _apply_class_generator(self, y: np.ndarray) -> np.ndarray:
169 return np.array([self.class_generator.compute_class(v) for v in y])
171 def compute_value(self, y_true: np.ndarray, y_predicted: np.ndarray, model: VectorRegressionModel = None,
172 io_data: InputOutputData = None, weights: Optional[np.ndarray] = None):
173 y_true = self._apply_class_generator(y_true)
174 y_predicted = self._apply_class_generator(y_predicted)
175 return self.classification_metric.compute_value(y_true=y_true, y_predicted=y_predicted)
178class HeatMapColorMapFactory(ABC):
179 @abstractmethod
180 def create_color_map(self, min_sample_weight: float, total_weight: float, num_quantization_levels: int):
181 pass
184class HeatMapColorMapFactoryWhiteToRed(HeatMapColorMapFactory):
185 def create_color_map(self, min_sample_weight: float, total_weight: float, num_quantization_levels: int):
186 color_nothing = (1, 1, 1) # white
187 color_min_sample = (1, 0.96, 0.96) # very slightly red
188 color_everything = (0.7, 0, 0) # dark red
189 return LinearSegmentedColormap.from_list("whiteToRed",
190 ((0, color_nothing), (min_sample_weight/total_weight, color_min_sample), (1, color_everything)),
191 num_quantization_levels)
194DEFAULT_REGRESSION_METRICS = (RegressionMetricRRSE(), RegressionMetricR2(), RegressionMetricMAE(),
195 RegressionMetricMSE(), RegressionMetricRMSE(), RegressionMetricStdDevAE())
198class RegressionEvalStats(PredictionEvalStats["RegressionMetric"]):
199 """
200 Collects data for the evaluation of predicted continuous values and computes corresponding metrics
201 """
203 # class members controlling plot appearance, which can be centrally overridden by a user if necessary
204 HEATMAP_COLORMAP_FACTORY = HeatMapColorMapFactoryWhiteToRed()
207 HEATMAP_ERROR_BOUNDARY_COLOR = (0.8, 0.8, 0.8)
208 SCATTER_PLOT_POINT_COLOR = (0, 0, 1, 0.05)
210 def __init__(self, y_predicted: Optional[PredictionArray] = None, y_true: Optional[PredictionArray] = None,
211 metrics: Optional[Sequence["RegressionMetric"]] = None, additional_metrics: Sequence["RegressionMetric"] = None,
212 model: VectorRegressionModel = None,
213 io_data: InputOutputData = None,
214 weights: Optional[Array] = None):
215 """
216 :param y_predicted: the predicted values
217 :param y_true: the true values
218 :param metrics: the metrics to compute for evaluation; if None, will use DEFAULT_REGRESSION_METRICS
219 :param additional_metrics: the metrics to additionally compute
220 :param weights: optional data point weights
221 """
222 self.model = model
223 self.ioData = io_data
225 if metrics is None:
227 metrics = list(metrics)
229 super().__init__(y_predicted, y_true, metrics, additional_metrics=additional_metrics, weights=weights)
231 def compute_metric_value(self, metric: RegressionMetric) -> float:
232 return metric.compute_value_for_eval_stats(self)
234 def compute_mse(self):
235 """Computes the mean squared error (MSE)"""
236 return self.compute_metric_value(RegressionMetricMSE())
238 def compute_rrse(self):
239 """Computes the root relative squared error"""
240 return self.compute_metric_value(RegressionMetricRRSE())
242 def compute_pcc(self):
243 """Gets the Pearson correlation coefficient (PCC)"""
244 return self.compute_metric_value(RegressionMetricPCC())
246 def compute_r2(self):
247 """Gets the R^2 score"""
248 return self.compute_metric_value(RegressionMetricR2())
250 def compute_mae(self):
251 """Gets the mean absolute error"""
252 return self.compute_metric_value(RegressionMetricMAE())
254 def compute_rmse(self):
255 """Gets the root mean squared error"""
256 return self.compute_metric_value(RegressionMetricRMSE())
258 def compute_std_dev_ae(self):
259 """Gets the standard deviation of the absolute error"""
260 return self.compute_metric_value(RegressionMetricStdDevAE())
262 def create_eval_stats_collection(self) -> "RegressionEvalStatsCollection":
263 """
264 For the case where we collected data on multiple dimensions, obtain a stats collection where
265 each object in the collection holds stats on just one dimension
266 """
267 if self.y_true_multidim is None:
268 raise Exception("No multi-dimensional data was collected")
269 dim = len(self.y_true_multidim)
270 stats_list = []
271 for i in range(dim):
272 stats = RegressionEvalStats(self.y_predicted_multidim[i], self.y_true_multidim[i])
273 stats_list.append(stats)
274 return RegressionEvalStatsCollection(stats_list)
276 def plot_error_distribution(self, bins="auto", title_add=None) -> Optional[plt.Figure]:
277 """
278 :param bins: bin specification (see :class:`HistogramPlot`)
279 :param title_add: a string to add to the title (on a second line)
281 :return: the resulting figure object or None
282 """
283 errors = np.array(self.y_predicted) - np.array(self.y_true)
284 title = "Prediction Error Distribution"
285 if title_add is not None:
286 title += "\n" + title_add
287 if bins == "auto" and len(errors) < 100:
288 bins = 10 # seaborn can crash with low number of data points and bins="auto" (tries to allocate vast amounts of memory)
289 plot = HistogramPlot(errors, bins=bins, kde=True)
290 plot.title(title)
291 plot.xlabel("error (prediction - ground truth)")
292 plot.ylabel("probability density")
293 return plot.fig
295 def plot_scatter_ground_truth_predictions(self, figure=True, title_add=None, **kwargs) -> Optional[plt.Figure]:
296 """
297 :param figure: whether to plot in a separate figure and return that figure
298 :param title_add: a string to be added to the title in a second line
299 :param kwargs: parameters to be passed on to plt.scatter()
301 :return: the resulting figure object or None
302 """
303 fig = None
304 title = "Scatter Plot of Predicted Values vs. Ground Truth"
305 if title_add is not None:
306 title += "\n" + title_add
307 if figure:
308 fig = plt.figure(title.replace("\n", " "))
309 y_range = [min(self.y_true), max(self.y_true)]
310 plt.scatter(self.y_true, self.y_predicted, c=[self.SCATTER_PLOT_POINT_COLOR], zorder=2, **kwargs)
311 plt.plot(y_range, y_range, '-', lw=1, label="_not in legend", color="green", zorder=1)
312 plt.xlabel("ground truth")
313 plt.ylabel("prediction")
314 plt.title(title)
315 return fig
317 def plot_heatmap_ground_truth_predictions(self, figure=True, cmap=None, bins=60, title_add=None, error_boundary: Optional[float] = None,
318 weighted: bool = False, ax: Optional[plt.Axes] = None,
319 **kwargs) -> Optional[plt.Figure]:
320 """
321 :param figure: whether to create a new figure and return that figure (only applies if ax is None)
322 :param cmap: the colour map to use (see corresponding parameter of plt.imshow for further information); if None, use factory
323 defined in HEATMAP_COLORMAP_FACTORY (which can be centrally set to achieve custom behaviour throughout an application)
324 :param bins: how many bins to use for constructing the heatmap
325 :param title_add: a string to add to the title (on a second line)
326 :param error_boundary: if not None, add two lines (above and below the diagonal) indicating this absolute regression error boundary;
327 if None (default), use static member HEATMAP_ERROR_BOUNDARY_VALUE (which is also None by default, but can be centrally set
328 to achieve custom behaviour throughout an application)
329 :param weighted: whether to consider data point weights
330 :param ax: the axis to plot in. If None, use the current axes (which will be the axis of the newly created figure if figure=True).
331 :param kwargs: will be passed to plt.imshow()
333 :return: the newly created figure object (if figure=True) or None
334 """
335 fig = None
336 title = "Heat Map of Predicted Values vs. Ground Truth"
337 if title_add:
338 title += "\n" + title_add
339 if figure and ax is None:
340 fig = plt.figure(title.replace("\n", " "))
341 if ax is None:
342 ax = plt.gca()
344 y_range = [min(min(self.y_true), min(self.y_predicted)), max(max(self.y_true), max(self.y_predicted))]
346 # diagonal
347 ax.plot(y_range, y_range, '-', lw=0.75, label="_not in legend", color=self.HEATMAP_DIAGONAL_COLOR, zorder=2)
349 # error boundaries
350 if error_boundary is None:
351 error_boundary = self.HEATMAP_ERROR_BOUNDARY_VALUE
352 if error_boundary is not None:
353 d = np.array(y_range)
354 offs = np.array([error_boundary, error_boundary])
355 ax.plot(d, d + offs, '-', lw=0.75, label="_not in legend", color=self.HEATMAP_ERROR_BOUNDARY_COLOR, zorder=2)
356 ax.plot(d, d - offs, '-', lw=0.75, label="_not in legend", color=self.HEATMAP_ERROR_BOUNDARY_COLOR, zorder=2)
358 # heat map
359 weights = None if not weighted else self.weights
360 heatmap, _, _ = np.histogram2d(self.y_true, self.y_predicted, range=(y_range, y_range), bins=bins, density=False, weights=weights)
361 extent = (y_range[0], y_range[1], y_range[0], y_range[1])
362 if cmap is None:
363 num_quantization_levels = min(1000, len(self.y_predicted))
364 if not weighted:
365 min_sample_weight = 1.0
366 total_weight = len(self.y_predicted)
367 else:
368 min_sample_weight = np.min(self.weights)
369 total_weight = np.sum(self.weights)
370 cmap = self.HEATMAP_COLORMAP_FACTORY.create_color_map(min_sample_weight, total_weight, num_quantization_levels)
371 ax.imshow(heatmap.T, extent=extent, origin='lower', interpolation="none", cmap=cmap, zorder=1, **kwargs)
373 ax.set_xlabel("ground truth")
374 ax.set_ylabel("prediction")
375 ax.set_title(title)
376 return fig
379class RegressionEvalStatsCollection(EvalStatsCollection[RegressionEvalStats, RegressionMetric]):
380 def __init__(self, eval_stats_list: List[RegressionEvalStats]):
381 super().__init__(eval_stats_list)
382 self.globalStats = None
384 def get_combined_eval_stats(self) -> RegressionEvalStats:
385 if self.globalStats is None:
386 y_true = np.concatenate([evalStats.y_true for evalStats in self.statsList])
387 y_predicted = np.concatenate([evalStats.y_predicted for evalStats in self.statsList])
388 es0 = self.statsList[0]
389 self.globalStats = RegressionEvalStats(y_predicted, y_true, metrics=es0.metrics)
390 return self.globalStats
393class RegressionEvalStatsPlot(EvalStatsPlot[RegressionEvalStats], ABC):
394 pass
397class RegressionEvalStatsPlotErrorDistribution(RegressionEvalStatsPlot):
398 def create_figure(self, eval_stats: RegressionEvalStats, subtitle: str) -> plt.Figure:
399 return eval_stats.plot_error_distribution(title_add=subtitle)
402class RegressionEvalStatsPlotHeatmapGroundTruthPredictions(RegressionEvalStatsPlot):
403 def __init__(self, weighted: bool = False):
404 self.weighted = weighted
406 def is_applicable(self, eval_stats: RegressionEvalStats) -> bool:
407 if self.weighted:
408 return eval_stats.weights is not None
409 else:
410 return True
412 def create_figure(self, eval_stats: RegressionEvalStats, subtitle: str) -> plt.Figure:
413 return eval_stats.plot_heatmap_ground_truth_predictions(title_add=subtitle, weighted=self.weighted)
416class RegressionEvalStatsPlotScatterGroundTruthPredictions(RegressionEvalStatsPlot):
417 def create_figure(self, eval_stats: RegressionEvalStats, subtitle: str) -> plt.Figure:
418 return eval_stats.plot_scatter_ground_truth_predictions(title_add=subtitle)